New NSA-powered AI tool would help industry optimize cyberdefense testingNSA developed an AI-based Autonomous Penetration Testing tool to enhance cyberdefense testing.
19 platforms used by government agencies have vulnerabilitiesVulnerabilities in US government platforms could lead to significant security breaches, necessitating updated cybersecurity measures and standardization.
The Facts About Continuous Penetration Testing and Why It's ImportantCASPT is an ongoing process providing real-time security assessment to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in an organization.It enables organizations to stay ahead of attackers by continuously evaluating their security posture.
The Future of Network Security: Automated Internal and External PentestingAutomated pentesting provides a cost-effective, frequent alternative to traditional security assessments, enhancing organizational defense against cyber threats.
Guide: The Ultimate Pentest Checklist for Full-Stack SecurityPenetration testing checklists are crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities systematically across an organization's attack surface.
Ransom leak portals far more secure than enterprise web appsEnterprises have poorer web app security than ransomware actors, highlighting the need for improved cybersecurity measures.
New NSA-powered AI tool would help industry optimize cyberdefense testingNSA developed an AI-based Autonomous Penetration Testing tool to enhance cyberdefense testing.
19 platforms used by government agencies have vulnerabilitiesVulnerabilities in US government platforms could lead to significant security breaches, necessitating updated cybersecurity measures and standardization.
The Facts About Continuous Penetration Testing and Why It's ImportantCASPT is an ongoing process providing real-time security assessment to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in an organization.It enables organizations to stay ahead of attackers by continuously evaluating their security posture.
The Future of Network Security: Automated Internal and External PentestingAutomated pentesting provides a cost-effective, frequent alternative to traditional security assessments, enhancing organizational defense against cyber threats.
Guide: The Ultimate Pentest Checklist for Full-Stack SecurityPenetration testing checklists are crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities systematically across an organization's attack surface.
Ransom leak portals far more secure than enterprise web appsEnterprises have poorer web app security than ransomware actors, highlighting the need for improved cybersecurity measures.
waymapWaymap optimizes web vulnerability scanning for penetration testers by efficiently identifying vulnerabilities through automated functionalities and advanced scanning modules.
waymapWaymap is a robust web vulnerability scanner designed to detect various vulnerabilities efficiently.
waymapWaymap optimizes web vulnerability scanning for penetration testers by efficiently identifying vulnerabilities through automated functionalities and advanced scanning modules.
waymapWaymap is a robust web vulnerability scanner designed to detect various vulnerabilities efficiently.
GitHub - TrixSec/waymap: Waymap is a fast and optimized web vulnerability scanner built for penetration testers. It helps in identifying vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Command Injection by testing against various payloads.Waymap is a highly efficient web vulnerability scanner designed for penetration testers, identifying threats such as SQL Injection and Command Injection.
6 Types of Applications Security Testing You Must Know AboutA proactive and holistic application security strategy is crucial to secure applications across different phases of development and deployment.