Opposition blasts 'utterly unacceptable' proposal to resolve bitter Dail speaking rights rowProposal to allow government-supporting Independents to join technical groups for speaking time sparked chaos in the Dáil, reflecting tensions in parliamentary roles.
Bishops' seats in House of Lords must be abolished, MPs tell StarmerKeir Starmer is urged to reform the House of Lords by removing Bishops' automatic seats.
From Earl of Devon to Duke of Norfolk: the hereditary peers set to lose place in LordsHereditary peers in the UK are set to lose their rights to sit and vote in the House of Lords, signaling major parliamentary reform.
Labour launches bid to get rid of hereditary peersLabour plans to abolish hereditary peers from the House of Lords, marking a significant parliamentary reform. This change aligns with their previous election promises.
Bishops' seats in House of Lords must be abolished, MPs tell StarmerKeir Starmer is urged to reform the House of Lords by removing Bishops' automatic seats.
From Earl of Devon to Duke of Norfolk: the hereditary peers set to lose place in LordsHereditary peers in the UK are set to lose their rights to sit and vote in the House of Lords, signaling major parliamentary reform.
Labour launches bid to get rid of hereditary peersLabour plans to abolish hereditary peers from the House of Lords, marking a significant parliamentary reform. This change aligns with their previous election promises.
MPs could face crackdown on paid media roles in blow to FarageThe Labour Party's new committee aims to reform House of Commons procedures and scrutinize MPs' paid media engagements and potential conflicts of interest.
The Guardian view on reforming parliament: trust in democracy depends on it | EditorialParliamentary scrutiny is vital to prevent the abuse of power regarding legislative measures like statutory instruments.