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3 weeks ago

A Study Says There Are 4 Different Sleep Types, Including "Weekend Catch-Up Sleepers"

Insomnia and excessive napping can lead to health issues, emphasizing the importance of optimal sleep habits. [ more ]
Secret NYC
4 months ago
Mental health

Napping Daily Could Slow Your Brain From Shrinking With Age

Daily naps may help slow down brain decline as we age.
Taking a nap during the day can correlate with larger total brain volume. [ more ]
6 months ago

You Deserve a Great Nap

Napping can help improve cognition, mood, and memory.
The best time to nap is about six to eight hours after waking up.
Napping too late or for too long can interfere with nighttime sleep. [ more ]
6 months ago

Short Naps Have Major Benefits for Your Mind

Napping has been stigmatized in the US, but sleep scientists are increasingly recognizing its benefits.
Recent research suggests that short naps of 20 to 30 minutes can have cognitive benefits and improve mood.
The urge to nap is governed by homeostatic sleep pressure and circadian rhythms, and genetics play a role in individual differences. [ more ]
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