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Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

Pastor pays two hit men $40,000 to kill daughter's boyfriend, California police say

Pastor hired hitmen to kill daughter's boyfriend for $40,000
Target survived attack but was shot while driving in Riverside [ more ]
2 months ago
LA real estate

Montecito Mortgage Scam Leads to Murder, Sheriff Alleges

Financial exploitation through reverse-mortgage scam and murder-for-hire uncovered in a case involving the death of a 96-year-old woman.
Arrests made in connection with forging documents, establishing fraudulent entities, and orchestrating a murder-for-hire scheme to gain control over the victim's estate. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

96-year-old killed in murder-for-hire plot while prepping birthday cookies, cops say

Violet Alberts was a vibrant and cherished figure despite her age.
Alberts's death was part of a murder-for-hire scheme tied to financial exploitation. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
New York City

NYC pimp who watched 'Dexter' convicted of killing and chopping up sex worker

Cory Martin found guilty of strangling and dismembering a sex worker.
Twisted crime motivated by greed with life insurance policies on the victim. [ more ]
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