Reclaiming Identity After Cults And Healing Moral InjuryMoral injury in cult survivors is rooted in guilt, not fear, and differs from PTSD.Reclaiming the authentic self is vital after undue influence overrides personal identity.
Following Your Moral CompassMoral distress arises from conflicts between actions and personal values.ACT can help manage moral distress through value-aligned actions.Cultivating self-compassion is crucial for resilience in moral dilemmas.
Why it's so hard to align our work with our values, and how we justify not trying.Compartmentalization impacts how individuals align their values with their jobs.
Moral Injury: The Hidden Wound Driving Suicide and DespairMoral injury results from actions conflicting with personal ethics, leading to psychological distress and higher suicide risk.
Moral Injury and the Vietnam WarPsychological wounds of war can last a lifetime.Moral injury contributes to PTSD and related psychological injuries among veterans.Wars that lack a clear purpose increase the risk of moral injury.
The moral injury epidemicMoral injury due to disconnect between journalism's values and practices may lead to a significant exodus of journalists by 2025.
Moral Injury and Operator Syndrome'Operator syndrome' outlines complex health impacts on Special Operations Forces, emphasizing stress and psychological issues.