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1 week ago
Europe politics

Chad's Deby sworn in as president as Allamaye Halina named new PM

Mahamat Idriss Deby sworn in as president following disputed election, ending military rule in Chad. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

Chad prime minister resigns after disputed vote winner confirmed

Success Masra resigns after losing to Mahamat Idriss Deby in presidential elections. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
France politics

Chad's military leader Itno declared president in results contested by rival

Chad's military leader, Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, declared winner in disputed election results. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

President vs Prime Minister: What's at stake in Chad presidential election?

Chadians head to the polls for a significant election post-Idriss Deby, transitioning from military rule to potential democracy. [ more ]
2 months ago
France politics

Democracy Teetering in African Countries Once Ruled by France

Democracy is in trouble in former French colonies in Africa
Support for democracy is declining in Africa while approval for military rule is rising [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

West African bloc ECOWAS lifts sanctions against Guinea, Mali

ECOWAS eases sanctions on Guinea, Mali, and Niger under military rule.
Nigeria calls for re-examining the approach to constitutional order in ECOWAS member states. [ more ]
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