The Most Ambitious New Horror Franchise is Taking a Page From the MCUM3GAN's success may lead to a robust horror cinematic universe, fueled by its unique character and ambitious storytelling.
English Teacher' Finds Surprising Humor in Polarizing SubjectsBrian Jordan Alvarez has built a diverse career as a comedian and creator through innovative storytelling across multiple platforms.
M3gan Spinoff Soulm8te Casts The Boys And Call Of Duty Actor Claudia DoumitClaudi Doumit joins the cast of the M3gan spin-off called Soulm8te, exploring themes of relationships through AI technology.
Megan 2, Which Leans Into AI Fears, Has Been DelayedM3gan 2.0, the sequel to Blumhouse's horror film M3gan, has been delayed by four months.The writer and director of the original film, Akela Cooper and Gerard Johnstone, are returning for the sequel.
M3gan Spinoff Soulm8te Casts The Boys And Call Of Duty Actor Claudia DoumitClaudi Doumit joins the cast of the M3gan spin-off called Soulm8te, exploring themes of relationships through AI technology.
Megan 2, Which Leans Into AI Fears, Has Been DelayedM3gan 2.0, the sequel to Blumhouse's horror film M3gan, has been delayed by four months.The writer and director of the original film, Akela Cooper and Gerard Johnstone, are returning for the sequel.