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Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

California's Latino lawmakers choose priority bills for 2024. Here are their top issues

California's Latino Caucus prioritizes bills focusing on undocumented immigrants for 2024 legislative agenda. [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

NYC Public Defenders Call On Albany To Pass Critical Criminal Justice Reforms

The Legal Aid Society and other public defender offices in New York are calling on Albany to pass criminal justice reforms.
Their legislative priorities include continued funding for public defender offices, increased student loan assistance for lawyers serving public interest, and expansion of pre-trial diversion for people with mental health or substance use concerns. [ more ]
5 months ago

'COME AND TAKE IT, USDA': House Republicans Passionately Defend Milk

Congress prioritizes defending whole milk over passing major legislative priorities before the winter holidays.
House Republicans argue that Santa needs whole milk for his Christmas journey and propose passing a bill to allow whole milk back into school lunch programs. [ more ]
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