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2 months ago
EU data protection

EU agrees in principle to give profits from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine

EU to use Russian assets for Ukraine
Funds to be divided between military programs and reconstruction [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
4 months ago

DEI Is Under Attack. Here's How Companies Can Mitigate the Legal Risks.

The Supreme Court's decision on race-based affirmative action in higher education has sparked challenges against workplace DEI efforts
Organizations can mitigate legal risk in DEI programs by addressing three risky criteria
DEI will transform as an enterprise as the law evolves in a more conservative direction [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

When Protecting Everything Means Protecting Nothing

Excessive protection of company trade secrets can actually increase the risk of losing them.
Courts require reasonable measures to maintain control over trade secrets, but overly broad NDAs can be thrown out. [ more ]
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