CSS Wishlist for 2025The future of CSS is exciting, with many wishing for greater control and flexibility in layout and element management.
First look inside much-loved Waitrose store after its 'amazing' re-designThe Waitrose store has undergone significant renovations to improve layout, enhance shopping experience, and promote environmental sustainability.
Principles of design: 5 must-knows for every designer - LogRocket BlogUnderstanding the core principles of design and implementing them is crucial for creating successful and attention-grabbing designs.
Towards the Automation of Book Typesetting: Computational Approaches in Editorial Design | HackerNoonSystematic approaches in layout design have a long history, with notable advancements in algorithmic methods for book layout design.
An Interactive Guide to CSS Container QueriesCSS container queries focus on adjusting components based on container width, not just viewport width.Using container queries allows for more precise control over component behavior compared to traditional media queries.