Taxpayer-funded 15m lab will make 'net zero alternative proteins'
The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre aims to develop sustainable protein sources, including lab-grown meat and insects, to reduce environmental impact.
The strange future of lab-grown meat involves quail, crocodile, and woolly mammoth
Vow's quail parfait represents a radical shift in food technology with lab-grown meat, prioritizing sustainability and innovative production methods.
Taxpayer-funded 15m lab will make 'net zero alternative proteins'
The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre aims to develop sustainable protein sources, including lab-grown meat and insects, to reduce environmental impact.
The strange future of lab-grown meat involves quail, crocodile, and woolly mammoth
Vow's quail parfait represents a radical shift in food technology with lab-grown meat, prioritizing sustainability and innovative production methods.
Florida has officially banned lab-grown meat to protect the cattle industry and residents from the World Economic Forum's push for alternative protein sources.
Bezos' fiancee, a VIP in his green fund, makes $60 million splash at Miami climate meet
Lauren Sanchez announced a $60 million investment in lab-grown and plant-based meats at a climate conference in Miami Beach.
Florida lawmakers have passed a bill banning the sale of lab-grown meat to protect the state's cattle industry.
Florida Becomes First State To Ban 'Fake Meat'
Florida has officially banned lab-grown meat to protect the cattle industry and residents from the World Economic Forum's push for alternative protein sources.
Bezos' fiancee, a VIP in his green fund, makes $60 million splash at Miami climate meet
Lauren Sanchez announced a $60 million investment in lab-grown and plant-based meats at a climate conference in Miami Beach.
Florida lawmakers have passed a bill banning the sale of lab-grown meat to protect the state's cattle industry.