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3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Workers with AI skills can expect higher salaries - depending on their role

Employers offer salary hikes for AI-skilled workers in various departments, with the highest increase in IT and research and development.
AI skills lead to substantial productivity gains and salary bumps, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. [ more ]
3 years ago
Software development

Software Engineer Jobs in Bangalore - Bridgelabz

Software engineers have various job roles such as fullstack developer, data scientist, computer programmer, backend developer, frontend developer, and systems analyst.
Key skills for software engineers include IT architecture and database management, problem-solving, pattern design, debugging, and knowledge of programming languages.
Salary for software engineers depends on factors like industry experience, education, and location, with freshmen earning around Rs 4-5 lakhs p.a. and lateral hires earning around Rs 7-10 lakhs p.a. [ more ]
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