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eLearning Industry
4 days ago
Data science

Transforming Health And Safety Training With Digital Learning Platforms

Digital learning platforms have evolved to cater to shorter attention spans by providing interactive, video-based content for effective learning. [ more ]
4 days ago

How to add a GIF to your email (plus best practices & examples)

Interactive content in emails, like GIFs, can enhance campaigns, storytelling, and engage subscribers effectively. [ more ]
The Verge
3 weeks ago

Marvel is bringing a mixed reality episode of What If... to the Vision Pro

Vision Pro to receive mixed reality experience from Marvel Studios and ILM Immersive for Disney Plus' first interactive original content exclusively on Apple's VR headset. [ more ]
1 month ago

Interactive Posts: Steal these ideas and say goodbye to boring social media | AWeber

Interactive content is vital for social media success and building a community.
Engaging with interactive posts can increase visibility and reach on social media platforms. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ex-Hulu Marketing SVP Scott Donaton Joins AI-Powered Interactive Content Firm VersusGame as CMO

Scott Donaton joins VersusGame as CMO, overseeing all marketing functions.
VersusGame uses proprietary AI to create interactive experiences with major brands. [ more ]
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