teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi to Open with Immersive, Ever-Evolving Digital Art | stupidDOPEteamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi opens on April 18, showcasing interactive digital art that responds to the environment.
New public art installation invites rest in Fort GreeneThe exhibition 'Cosmologyscape' encourages public contemplation of dreams through art, serving as a refuge amid urban life.
WALLFLOWERS ExPop in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading WeeklyA vacant storefront was transformed into a vibrant art event coinciding with a major tech conference.
teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi to Open with Immersive, Ever-Evolving Digital Art | stupidDOPEteamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi opens on April 18, showcasing interactive digital art that responds to the environment.
New public art installation invites rest in Fort GreeneThe exhibition 'Cosmologyscape' encourages public contemplation of dreams through art, serving as a refuge amid urban life.
WALLFLOWERS ExPop in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading WeeklyA vacant storefront was transformed into a vibrant art event coinciding with a major tech conference.
Your daily Braves trivia game, Wednesday editionThe Battery Power in-5 trivia game tests fans' knowledge of Braves players with clues for both active and retired individuals.
Your daily Braves trivia game, Friday editionThe Battery Power In-5 trivia game combines fun and challenge for Braves fans with clues about both active and retired players.
Your daily Braves trivia game, Wednesday editionThe Battery Power in-5 trivia game tests fans' knowledge of Braves players with clues for both active and retired individuals.
Your daily Braves trivia game, Friday editionThe Battery Power In-5 trivia game combines fun and challenge for Braves fans with clues about both active and retired players.
'Love Game' is an interactive play that unfolds inside an L.A. bar - and you're CupidThe interactive play 'Love Game' lets audience members participate as matchmakers in a speed-dating scenario.
Create Engaging Fill-in-the-Blank Quizzes with fillInTheBlank.jsfillInTheBlank.js turns standard text into interactive fill-in-the-blank questions, improving user engagement in educational content.
To Whom Does Figaro Get Married in The Marriage of Figaro?Daily quizzes on unique topics are now available, adding an interactive dimension to testing knowledge.Slate Plus members enjoy exclusive leaderboard features to track their performance against others.
Create Engaging Fill-in-the-Blank Quizzes with fillInTheBlank.jsfillInTheBlank.js turns standard text into interactive fill-in-the-blank questions, improving user engagement in educational content.
To Whom Does Figaro Get Married in The Marriage of Figaro?Daily quizzes on unique topics are now available, adding an interactive dimension to testing knowledge.Slate Plus members enjoy exclusive leaderboard features to track their performance against others.
The Royal Shakespeare Company is turning Macbeth into a neo-noir gameMacbeth is being transformed into an interactive neo-noir video game titled Lili, incorporating modern themes and gameplay elements.
Count the bounces! Balance the egg! Can Taskmaster triumph as a live experience?Taskmaster's charm stems from both its quirky challenges and the humor of comedians attempting them, drawing audiences to live comedy.The live experience allows fans to immerse themselves in the show's format through playful tasks.
$5 Off: "Asking for a Friend" Comedy Show in The Mission (SF)The "Asking for a Friend" Comedy Show offers a unique blend of stand-up comedy and audience participation through anonymous advice.Held every other Saturday at Endgames Improve Theater in SF, showcasing renowned comedians.Affordable ticketing options enhance accessibility for attendees, fostering community engagement.
Count the bounces! Balance the egg! Can Taskmaster triumph as a live experience?Taskmaster's charm stems from both its quirky challenges and the humor of comedians attempting them, drawing audiences to live comedy.The live experience allows fans to immerse themselves in the show's format through playful tasks.
$5 Off: "Asking for a Friend" Comedy Show in The Mission (SF)The "Asking for a Friend" Comedy Show offers a unique blend of stand-up comedy and audience participation through anonymous advice.Held every other Saturday at Endgames Improve Theater in SF, showcasing renowned comedians.Affordable ticketing options enhance accessibility for attendees, fostering community engagement.
This new outdoor installation at Pier 17 lets you look inside giant lanternsMoonGARDEN is an interactive art installation featuring 20 colorful spheres that invite engagement through light, set in NYC's Pier 17.
Marvel's "What If...?" for Apple Vision Pro looks incredible, but plays terriblyWhat If...? offers an experimental and immersive AR experience that recontextualizes Marvel characters.
Build Rich Web Apps with ASP.NET Core and Sircl - Part 4Building interactive web applications with ASP.NET Core and Sircl is straightforward, utilizing Bootstrap modals for enhanced user experience.
Which Element Found in Asparagus Gives It a Pungent Smell?Daily quizzes available on specific topics with score comparisons and leaderboard for Slate Plus members.