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1 month ago
US news

Southern Baptists Plan to Vote on Whether to Oppose I.V.F.

Southern Baptists to vote on opposing in vitro fertilization, potentially impacting evangelical families relying on fertility treatments. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Southern Baptists Vote to Condemn I.V.F.

Southern Baptists oppose in vitro fertilization equating embryos with human life, possibly signaling a shift in anti-abortion focus to fetal personhood. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

Southern Baptists Plan to Vote on Whether to Oppose I.V.F.

Southern Baptists to vote on opposing in vitro fertilization, potentially impacting evangelical families relying on fertility treatments. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Southern Baptists Vote to Condemn I.V.F.

Southern Baptists oppose in vitro fertilization equating embryos with human life, possibly signaling a shift in anti-abortion focus to fetal personhood. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Worried Republicans Urge Senate Candidates to Support I.V.F.

Washington Republicans urge support for IVF treatments
Republicans struggle to balance views on IVF and abortion [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
OMG science

Ala. hospital halts IVF after state's high court ruled embryos are "children"

UAB halts IVF due to court ruling
Implications of court ruling on IVF services [ more ]
5 months ago

New IVF Test Could Increase Chances of Pregnancy Success

Researchers are developing a test to predict the success of implanted embryos in in vitro fertilization (IVF).
IVF can be a grueling process that involves multiple rounds of egg stimulation, retrieval surgery, and embryo testing. [ more ]
5 months ago

Meet ReTro, the First Cloned Rhesus Monkey to Reach Adulthood

Scientists have successfully cloned a rhesus monkey, marking the first successful cloning of the species.
A new technique using in vitro fertilization and replacing the placenta of the cloned embryo with that of embryos produced through IVF has reduced developmental defects and increased embryo survival rates. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Issues Affecting Women Take Center Stage as Southern Baptists Hold Annual Meeting

The Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting includes crucial votes on women in pastoral leadership and in vitro fertilization, reflecting broader societal debates and political influences. [ more ]
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