Landlord licenses to stamp out 'dangerous' HMOsBrent Council plans to reintroduce HMO licensing to ensure tenant safety and improve housing standards.New regulations will include smaller HMOs to tackle rising concerns about rogue landlords.
London council hands out 20,000 in fines to landlords over unlicensed propertiesHaringey Council has issued over 20,000 in fines to enforce housing licenses.
'Worst place I've lived': Vulnerable left in unsafe homesThe government has failed to implement the Supported Housing Act, leading to vulnerable individuals living in inadequate conditions.
nLDKX Apartment / ULTRA STUDIOThe nLDK typology is crucial for aligning property offerings with family needs in Japan's real estate market.
Consumer groups urge FHFA to update climate standards for GSE-backed homesThe coalition seeks to pressure the FHFA to adopt updated energy-efficiency standards to lower energy costs and improve housing conditions.