#holiday celebrations

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2 months ago

How to Use Up Those Easter Eggs

Brooklyn offers a variety of delicious sandwiches like banh mi and katsu sando.
Easter can be celebrated with ham sandwiches and festive egg dishes like deviled eggs and pickled eggs. [ more ]
Daily News
2 months ago
NYC drinking

7 bars serving non-alcoholic St. Patrick's Day mocktails for a hangover-free holiday

Mocktails are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks for holidays like St. Patrick's Day.
Alcohol-free bottle shops are catering to the demand for mocktails, providing a variety of spirits, mixers, and hosting events for non-alcoholic celebrations. [ more ]
5 months ago
San Francisco

Photos: Holiday celebrations in the San Francisco Bay Area

Winter holiday celebrations in the Bay Area offer a visual feast unlike anywhere else.
Photographers captured the spirit of the season at various events across the region. [ more ]
5 months ago

6 Simple Holiday Cocktails To Impress Everyone This Season

Cocktails are a popular part of holiday celebrations
Bartenders share their favorite holiday cocktail recipes [ more ]
Scary Mommy
5 months ago

December Is My Personal Everest

Simplifying holiday celebrations can bring more joy and less stress.
Focus on the parts of holidays and birthdays that truly bring you happiness. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
5 months ago

Beacon Hill Condo Brokers Farewell To An Old Tree Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

The author retires their old artificial Christmas tree and starts a new tradition of buying a real Christmas tree.
The author reflects on the significance of Christmas traditions and raises a toast to them. [ more ]
Washingtonian - The website that Washington lives by.
6 months ago
NYC drinking

Where to Find Festive Holiday Cheer at Bars Around DC - Washingtonian

DC bars with festive holiday installations and drinks
Bars in DC offering seasonal cocktails and decorations for the holidays [ more ]
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