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3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Israeli officials defiant after Biden weapons warning on Rafah assault

Israel vows to fight with 'fingernails' despite US pressure on weapons supply. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
France politics

China's Xi visits Pyrenees mountains, in a personal gesture by France's Macron

The article highlights the symbolic significance of President Macron inviting President Xi to a remote mountain pass near the border as a gesture of reciprocity. [ more ]
#geopolitical alliances
6 months ago
Europe news

West v rest' no longer seen as template for global alliances, survey finds

Geopolitical alliances are no longer strictly divided along west vs. rest lines.
Many countries want China to be more active in their economies and believe Russia will win its war against Ukraine.
Global relations are becoming increasingly a la carte as countries mix and match partners on different issues. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

West v rest' no longer seen as template for global alliances, survey finds

Geopolitical alliances are no longer strictly divided along west vs. rest lines.
Many countries want China to be more active in their economies and believe Russia will win its war against Ukraine.
Global relations are becoming increasingly a la carte as countries mix and match partners on different issues. [ more ]
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