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1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists reveal mysterious origin of Baobab trees, Rafiki's home in 'The Lion King'

Baobabs originate from Madagascar according to genomic research, spreading to Africa and Australia through oceanic currents, impacting ecosystems and human culture. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

A Geneticist Reveals What It Really Means to Have Viking DNA

DNA sequences of medieval individuals from a Jewish cemetery were compared to modern individuals, revealing shared fragments.
Shared DNA fragments with historical individuals do not imply close familial ties, but rather reflect the broader population genetic landscape. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

African ancestry genes may be linked to Black Americans' risk for some brain disorders

Genetic ancestry may impact neurological disorders differently in Black Americans, influencing risks for Alzheimer's, stroke, and Parkinson's diseases. [ more ]
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