State of CSS 20242024 marks a pivotal shift from CSS Classic to New CSS, embracing advanced features and simplifying development.
CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024 | Blog | build-your-own.orgVertical centering in CSS is now achievable with the align-content property in the default layout.
The Power of :has() in CSS | CSS-TricksThe :has() CSS pseudo-class allows styling based on internal elements.It solves the problem of styling parent elements based on their children with CSS.
State of CSS 20242024 marks a pivotal shift from CSS Classic to New CSS, embracing advanced features and simplifying development.
CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024 | Blog | build-your-own.orgVertical centering in CSS is now achievable with the align-content property in the default layout.
The Power of :has() in CSS | CSS-TricksThe :has() CSS pseudo-class allows styling based on internal elements.It solves the problem of styling parent elements based on their children with CSS.