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1 month ago
San Francisco

Multiple cars reported in flames in SF's Tenderloin on Sunday

Multiple cars in San Francisco engulfed in separate fires early Sunday morning. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Deadly fires: Risk of death, injury highest in Toronto's poor neighbourhoods | CBC News

Severe fires have unequal impact, affecting low-income areas more severely. [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
3 months ago

Sunset Park residents displaced by apparent e-bike fire: FDNY * Brooklyn Paper

Lithium-ion battery fires in New York City have caused injuries, fatalities, and displacements.
The FDNY is urging New Yorkers to use certified lithium-ion batteries and chargers and to avoid storing e-bikes and scooters indoors. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

People filmed fleeing deadly fire in China

A deadly fire in Xinyu, China, killed more than 25 people.
This is the second fire incident involving casualties in China in less than a week. [ more ]
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