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Enums make good singletons

Using single-value enums like MissingType enhances reliability and clarity for handling missing data in Python.

Building Enumerations With Python's enum - Real Python

Python doesn't have a dedicated syntax for enums, but the enum module in the Python standard library provides support for enumerations through the Enum class.
This video course teaches how to create enums, interact with them, customize them, and use specialized enum types like IntEnum, IntFlag, and Flag.

Enums make good singletons

Using single-value enums like MissingType enhances reliability and clarity for handling missing data in Python.

Building Enumerations With Python's enum - Real Python

Python doesn't have a dedicated syntax for enums, but the enum module in the Python standard library provides support for enumerations through the Enum class.
This video course teaches how to create enums, interact with them, customize them, and use specialized enum types like IntEnum, IntFlag, and Flag.

Building a Scalable Producer-Consumer application and Deploying With Scala and Deploying on...

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker facilitating asynchronous communication through AMQP protocol.

A Python/Django Adventcalendar

Advent is a liturgical season that precedes Christmas in Christian traditions.
Advent calendars have become popular and can have various themes, including programming challenges.
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