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Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Groups sue Austin officials over plan to redevelop dairy plant site - Austin Monitor

The proposal to replace a dairy plant in East Austin with apartments, offices, hotel, and restaurants has faced legal challenges.
Concerns about environmental impact and special treatment for the developer led to opposition from advocacy groups and neighborhood associations. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Landmark commissioners seek recourse for TxDOT's threat to Edward Rendon Sr. Park - Austin Monitor

The Historic Landmark Commission is joining activists to resist the demolition of a historic pecan grove in East Austin's Edward Rendon Sr. Park.
The grove, which dates back to 1964, sits within the area earmarked by the Texas Department of Transportation for construction staging purposes. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
1 week ago

Condemned homes get a stay of demolition at landmark commission - Austin Monitor

Historic Landmark Commission delays demolishing historic East Austin homes due to architectural significance and historical associations. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Landmark commissioners seek recourse for TxDOT's threat to Edward Rendon Sr. Park - Austin Monitor

The Historic Landmark Commission is joining activists to resist the demolition of a historic pecan grove in East Austin's Edward Rendon Sr. Park.
The grove, which dates back to 1964, sits within the area earmarked by the Texas Department of Transportation for construction staging purposes. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
1 week ago

Condemned homes get a stay of demolition at landmark commission - Austin Monitor

Historic Landmark Commission delays demolishing historic East Austin homes due to architectural significance and historical associations. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Legacy grocery and botanica in East Austin on its way to landmark status - Austin Monitor

Green and White Grocery in East Austin is on its way to securing historic zoning protections
The store has been an institution for three generations and is seen as an icon of the vibrant Mexican American community in the area [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Valid petitions fail to sway Council in two zoning cases - Austin Monitor

City Council approved historic zoning for a small Folk Victorian house in East Austin over the objection of the owner.
The property owner did not speak at the Council meeting. The only speaker was JuanRaymon Rubio, a member of the board of Preservation Austin. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Legacy grocery and botanica in East Austin on its way to landmark status - Austin Monitor

Green and White Grocery in East Austin is on its way to securing historic zoning protections
The store has been an institution for three generations and is seen as an icon of the vibrant Mexican American community in the area [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Valid petitions fail to sway Council in two zoning cases - Austin Monitor

City Council approved historic zoning for a small Folk Victorian house in East Austin over the objection of the owner.
The property owner did not speak at the Council meeting. The only speaker was JuanRaymon Rubio, a member of the board of Preservation Austin. [ more ]
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