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4 weeks ago

Composable Microservices: Deploying into K8 Cluster

Bit's platform starter provides boilerplate components and configuration to deploy Composable Microservices into Kubernetes. [ more ]
1 month ago

More secure Python Docker images with Amazon Linux

Amazon Linux is preferred over Debian for Docker images due to enhanced security measures and optimizations for the AWS Cloud. [ more ]
New Relic
2 months ago

Guide: How to route Docker logs correctly in New Relic

Understanding the importance of proper container log management is crucial in the Docker and New Relic community.
New Relic infrastructure agent may lead to logs being aggregated together in the Host UI rather than categorizing them appropriately in the Container UI. [ more ]
4 months ago

Dockerize Play2 Web API with New Relic Integration

Smooth deployment and robust monitoring are important for delivering applications.
Docker and New Relic can help simplify deployment and provide insights into application performance. [ more ]
New Relic
2 months ago

Guide: How to route Docker logs correctly in New Relic

Understanding the importance of proper container log management is crucial in the Docker and New Relic community.
New Relic infrastructure agent may lead to logs being aggregated together in the Host UI rather than categorizing them appropriately in the Container UI. [ more ]
4 months ago

Dockerize Play2 Web API with New Relic Integration

Smooth deployment and robust monitoring are important for delivering applications.
Docker and New Relic can help simplify deployment and provide insights into application performance. [ more ]
2 months ago

Docker Contexts: Simplifying Remote Operations

Docker context simplifies configuration and switching between contexts.
Benefits include executing commands on a remote server and using external authentication tools locally. [ more ]
2 months ago

Simple self-hosted OpenStreetMap routing using Valhalla and Docker

Self-hosted routing using Valhalla and Docker is straightforward.
Download an OpenStreetMap extract, place it in a folder, and run a Docker command to start the routing service. [ more ]
2 months ago

C# .NET Core Event Source with Martendb

MartenDB enables CRUD operations effortlessly
MartenDB showcases powerful Event Sourcing capabilities [ more ]
3 months ago

Use MailKit and GreenMail to develop a robust email interaction

MailKit Integration ensures reliable connection with mail servers using SMTP, IMAP, and POP3.
GreenMail provides a lightweight, in-memory mail server solution for comprehensive email testing. [ more ]
3 months ago

Use MailKit and GreenMail to develop a robust email interaction

The project combines MailKit for reliable email handling with GreenMail for comprehensive testing.
MailKit enables smooth communication with various mail servers through SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 protocols. [ more ]
3 months ago

Use MailKit and GreenMail to develop a robust email interaction

MailKit Integration ensures reliable connection with mail servers using SMTP, IMAP, and POP3.
GreenMail provides a lightweight, in-memory mail server solution for comprehensive email testing. [ more ]
3 months ago

Use MailKit and GreenMail to develop a robust email interaction

The project combines MailKit for reliable email handling with GreenMail for comprehensive testing.
MailKit enables smooth communication with various mail servers through SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 protocols. [ more ]
3 months ago

Docker starts Testcontainers on ex-rival Red Hat's OpenShift

Lessons from Docker on pivoting in a changing reality
Importance of paying attention to developer consumption and feedback [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
3 months ago

PyCharm 2023.3.5 Is Out! | The PyCharm Blog

PyCharm 2023.3.5 is an important bug-fix update.
Notable fixes include issues with outdated project errors, Docker 2.25 support, macOS Sonoma 14.4 update crashes, and Linux screen scaling. [ more ]
3 months ago

How to deploy software to Linux-based IoT devices at scale

IoT devices heavily rely on the Linux operating system for flexibility, robustness, and open-source nature.
Containerized deployment and centralized management are key best practices for deploying software on large fleets of Linux-based IoT devices. [ more ]
4 months ago

Announcing Docker Build Cloud

Docker Build Cloud offers remote shared-cache and native builders for AMD64 and ARM64 CPU architectures.
Docker introduced Remote Builders as a solution to the slow emulation process when building images of different CPU architectures. [ more ]
4 months ago

How to Dual Boot Ruby on Rails In Docker

Docker files added by default in Rails 7.1
FastRuby.io uses Dual Boot technique for upgrades in Docker [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
4 months ago

Provide weather details in a given place, and a decorative background of that location on demand

The Check the Vue weather application uses the Open Weather Map API and Open AI API to generate images of current weather in different locations.
The application is currently using web requests but the developer plans to move it to a docker image in the future to generate images server side. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
5 months ago

Job Vacancy: Devops Engineer (part time, 80%) // iMusician Digital AG | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

iMusician is hiring a Devops Engineer for their team in Berlin
The role involves working closely with Customer Support and Marketing Operations teams [ more ]
5 months ago

Rails on Docker without Docker

Some Rails developers are hesitant to use Docker due to the time it takes to install and learn it
Fly.io can gradually introduce Docker without affecting app development velocity [ more ]
5 months ago

Docker Build Cloud aims to accelerate Docker builds

Docker Build Cloud is a cloud-based build service that speeds up Docker image builds for engineering teams.
The service offloads builds to the cloud, accelerating them up to 39x. [ more ]
5 months ago

Docker's Build Cloud lets developers build their containers in the cloud | TechCrunch

Docker Build Cloud is a fully managed service that allows development teams to offload image builds to the cloud.
The service can speed up build times by up to 39x. [ more ]
5 months ago

Data Engineering Bootcamp 2024 (Week 1) Docker & Terraform | TypeThePipe

Docker is a crucial technology for containerization and application deployment.
A Dockerfile is a text document that defines the commands to build a Docker image and a Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container Docker applications. [ more ]
5 months ago

Ready, Set, Deploy! Rails 7.1 Gets Docker Support

Rails 7.1 introduces default Dockerfiles
The default Dockerfiles improve the development experience [ more ]
6 months ago

Dublin dockers open up about lasting legacy of life at the port as new exhibition opens

Museum illustrates journey of the men who helped shape iconic part of the capital
Now, a new exhibition reflects on the careers of those who worked at the port.
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The Top 5 Best Big Data Analytics Tools & Solutions for 2023

Running commands inside a Docker container can be easily done using the 'docker exec' command.
The 'docker exec' command allows you to enter a running container and execute commands as if you were inside the container itself. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
7 months ago

Using dev containers with VS Code for an easier dev setup - LogRocket Blog

Containers are an essential part of modern software architecture and are widely used in production-level projects.
Dev containers are a type of container used specifically for development purposes and provide a reproducible and convenient way to set up development environments.
Dev containers are particularly useful for monorepos with multiple projects and dependencies, simplifying the setup process. [ more ]
7 months ago

How to Use Node.js with Docker - SitePoint

Running Node.js applications in Docker containers can solve compatibility issues across different operating systems and runtime versions.
Docker allows you to easily download, install, and configure dependencies for your application in minutes. [ more ]
7 months ago

What Makes Containerization Agile

Docker containers provide simplicity, lightweightness, and collaboration, making them suitable for Agile software development.
Docker containers make software packaging simple and utilize resources efficiently. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The Top 5 Best Big Data Analytics Tools & Solutions for 2023

Running commands inside a Docker container can be easily done using the 'docker exec' command.
The 'docker exec' command allows you to enter a running container and execute commands as if you were inside the container itself. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
7 months ago

Using dev containers with VS Code for an easier dev setup - LogRocket Blog

Containers are an essential part of modern software architecture and are widely used in production-level projects.
Dev containers are a type of container used specifically for development purposes and provide a reproducible and convenient way to set up development environments.
Dev containers are particularly useful for monorepos with multiple projects and dependencies, simplifying the setup process. [ more ]
7 months ago

How to Use Node.js with Docker - SitePoint

Running Node.js applications in Docker containers can solve compatibility issues across different operating systems and runtime versions.
Docker allows you to easily download, install, and configure dependencies for your application in minutes. [ more ]
7 months ago

What Makes Containerization Agile

Docker containers provide simplicity, lightweightness, and collaboration, making them suitable for Agile software development.
Docker containers make software packaging simple and utilize resources efficiently. [ more ]
1 week ago

Exploring Spark and Airflow Integration for Submitting Python and Scala Jobs

Exploring Apache Spark and Airflow integration for job orchestration in Python and Scala. [ more ]
1 week ago

End-to-End Data Engineer DATA LAKE Project (Scala Spark 3.5.1

Airflow helps schedule scripts for running during off-peak hours to handle large data volumes efficiently. [ more ]
1 week ago

Exploring Spark and Airflow Integration for Submitting Python and Scala Jobs

Exploring Apache Spark and Airflow integration for job orchestration in Python and Scala. [ more ]
1 week ago

End-to-End Data Engineer DATA LAKE Project (Scala Spark 3.5.1

Airflow helps schedule scripts for running during off-peak hours to handle large data volumes efficiently. [ more ]
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