The Healing Power of Time-OutEmotionally validating children's feelings and setting limits can reduce disruptive behaviors over time.
Why threatening kids with the naughty step and time outs isn't getting results - and what actually works insteadControl-based parenting strategies can be counterproductive, while 'low demand parenting' is shown to be more effective for behavior management.
The Healing Power of Time-OutEmotionally validating children's feelings and setting limits can reduce disruptive behaviors over time.
Why threatening kids with the naughty step and time outs isn't getting results - and what actually works insteadControl-based parenting strategies can be counterproductive, while 'low demand parenting' is shown to be more effective for behavior management.
Seth Meyers says he gets 'no results' from gentle parenting his kidsSeth Meyers finds gentle parenting ineffective with his kids, who instead perceive his authority as humorous and feel less fear than he did growing up.