#digital ownership

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Electronic Frontier Foundation
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Fragging: The Subscription Model Comes for Gamers

The video game industry is experiencing a shift towards game subscriptions, similar to the changes seen in the film and TV industry.
Some game developers are actively promoting the idea of not owning games as part of their subscription services. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
5 months ago
Digital life

Our Digital Lives Are Too Fragile

One Friday night at 9 p.m., instead of going out to celebrate my co-worker's birthday, I found myself glued to the Evernote app.
6 months ago
Tech industry

PlayStation Will Remove Discovery Shows Despite User Purchase

Sony is removing all Discovery content from user libraries on PlayStation consoles, even if it had been purchased.
The decision is attributed to content licensing arrangements with content providers and comes as Warner Bros. Discovery seeks to gain more subscribers to its streaming services. [ more ]
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