Beta Space in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly
The exhibition explores deep-sea environments impacted by resource extraction, emphasizing the need for awareness and regulation in the face of climate issues.
How Cells Resist the Pressure of the Deep Sea
Comb jellies' cell membranes adapt to extreme deep-sea pressure with uniquely shaped lipids.
Oceanographer Dawn Wright: When we reached the bottom, we saw a beer bottle'
Dawn Wright is the first Black person to descend to Challenger Deep, underscoring the importance of human exploration in oceanography.
A New Creature Emerges From a Forest Drowned by the Gulf of Mexico
A new species of mussel, named Vadumodiolus teredinicola, has been discovered at depths of only 60 feet, much shallower than previously seen for this group of mussels.
The discovery of this shallow-water cousin could help explain how giant mussels ended up deeper down in the ocean.