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11 hours ago

Write Pythonic and Clean Code With namedtuple Quiz Real Python

Explore Python namedtuple() through an interactive quiz with 11 questions to enhance understanding and usage. [ more ]
1 month ago

Python Basics Exercises: Dictionaries - Real Python

Dictionaries in Python store key-value pairs.
Understanding the structure and use of dictionaries in Python. [ more ]
1 month ago

List slicing in Python

Slicing a list in Python creates a new list with a specified range.
In Python, the start index is inclusive while the stop index is exclusive in list slicing. [ more ]
Stack Abuse
10 months ago

Python Dictionary Comprehension: A Fast and Flexible Way to Build Dictionaries

Dictionaries are a very powerful, Pythonic way to store data.They allow us to associate a key with a value, and access them as needed.This makes it easy to store data where, for example, we need to associate a string with a number.For instance, if we need to store data related to names and associated phone numbers, then the dictionary is the best data structure to do so.
Stack Abuse
11 months ago

Guide to Lists in Python

Python, as one of the most versatile and widely-used programming languages, boasts a plethora of built-in data structures that make it an excellent choice for developers of all skill levels.One such data structure is the list.It is one of the most powerful and flexible data structures in Python.
11 months ago

How to check whether one string contains another in Python

Trey Hunner Python 3.7-3.11*

What's the best way to check whether one string contains another string in Python?What we're looking for
Let's say we have two strings, part and whole.We'd like to know whether part is a substring of whole.That is, we'd like to know whether the entire part string appears within the whole string.
Data science
1 week ago
Data science

A Brief Survey of Data Structures (and a Little Digression about the Go Language)

Data structures store multiple values of the same type.
Access methods for data structures include sequential access, stacks, queues, and sorted lists. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Python Pandas Tutorial to Learn Series and DataFrames

Pandas library is crucial for data analysis, providing Series and DataFrame structures.
Created by Wes McKinney in 2008, Pandas is widely used for data analysis in Python. [ more ]
10 months ago
Data science

8 ODSC Europe Training Sessions to Boost Your Data Science Career

Ready to fill in some of your knowledge gaps and build new skills?Check out the hands-on training and bootcamp sessions that are coming to ODSC Europe next month.AI-Powered Algorithmic Trading with Python Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch | The AI Quant | CEO The Python Quants & The AI Machine, Adjunct Professor of Computational Finance
This session will cover the essential Python topics and skills that will enable you to apply AI and Machine Learning (ML) to Algorithmic Trading.
moreData science
2 weeks ago

Understanding the Pattern Matching in Scala.

Pattern matching in Scala allows for matching data structures like case classes and lists.
Sealed types in Scala are used for exhaustive pattern matching and restricting subclasses. [ more ]
1 month ago

Become a Scala Wizzard!

Scala covers key programming concepts like classes, objects, control abstractions, traits, and packages.
Scala emphasizes code reuse through traits and explores data structures like lists and collections. [ more ]
1 month ago

Simple Hash Map with Scala in 15 minutes

Use chaining to resolve collisions in hash map implementation
Support operations add, remove, and get with immutability for new map creation. [ more ]
1 year ago

Two great quotes on data, domain modeling, programming, and design

Here are two great quotes on programming, data modeling (domain modeling), algorithms, and design that I was just reminded of, thanks to this Twitter question:
Linus Torvalds: "Bad programmers worry about the code.Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships."Fred Brooks: "Show me your flowchart and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified.
1 year ago

Notes from "Thinking Functionally with Haskell"

I'm always curious about how people think, and these days I'm most interested in how functional programmers think about programming problems.Along those lines I found a good blog post (tutorial) titled, "Thinking Functionally with Haskell", and these are my notes from that post:

     FP is all about data.
1 month ago
Node JS

Visualize Binary Search Tree using Python, Tkinter and Graphviz

Binary Search Tree is a special type of tree with specific value restrictions for nodes in left and right subtrees.
Nodes in Binary Search Trees can be traversed using three methods: inorder, preorder, and postorder. [ more ]
10 months ago

Get Started with DataClasses in Python

Python dataclasses, a powerful feature that simplifies the process of creating classes for storing and manipulating data.Dataclasses are a feature introduced in Python 3.7 as part of the standard library module called dataclasses.We'll explore the concept step by step with easy-to-understand explanations and coding examples.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
11 months ago
Mental health

NIMH Data Archive (NDA) Data Submission OH Webinar

1. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Data Archive (NDA) provides a secure platform for data submission and sharing of mental health research data.
2. NDA offers a comprehensive suite of data management and sharing tools, including an open-source data submission and
JSON Indepth
1 year ago

I wasn't going to write a CSV parser, really... - JSON Indepth

The library csv42 applies the following general techniques to get a good performance.First important thing is to not optimize based on your assumptions, but based on measurements.In general, it is best to write your code optimized to be simple to read, understand, and maintain.Only when there turns out to be a performance issue, you can effectively pinpoint the bottleneck and try to improve the performance.
1 year ago

ECMAScript proposal: iterator helpers

In this blog post, we look at the ECMAScript proposal "Iterator helpers" by Gus Caplan, Michael Ficarra, Adam Vandolder, Jason Orendorff, Kevin Gibbons, and Yulia Startsev.It provides utility methods for working with iterable data: .map(),.filter(),etc.The style of the proposed API clashes with the style of the current iteration API.
1 year ago

GitHub - giffeler/undoh: This Typescript module provides an undo class that can be used to implement a simple undo/redo mechanism.

Many programs, especially those with user interaction, have functions to undo or redo processing steps.Implementation usually requires providing a mechanism that produces an opposite of a particular action.These functions have an impact on an underlying data structure.This Typescript module provides an undo class that can be used to implement a simple undo/redo mechanism in programs.
1 year ago
UX design

10 Best Free System design Courses for Software Engineer Interviews in 2022

Hello guys, if you are preparing for System Design Interview or just want to improve your Software design skills and looking for best free resources like tutorials and free online courses then you have come to the right place.
11 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI to go Open Source - Elon Musk was a 'Huge Idiot' Mojo Risin'

By: Richi Jennings on
Welcome to The Long View-where we peruse the news of the week and strip it to the essentials.Let's work out what really matters.This week: Sources say it's an open source future for OpenAI, and improving AI perf with Mojo.
1. OpenAI FOSS LLM Rumor
First up this week: An anonymous source told The Information's Jon Victor that OpenAI will release an open source version of its large language model (LLM).
11 months ago

List vs Dictionary in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

Python lists and dictionaries are two of Python's most used data structures.In this article, we will discuss list vs dictionary in Python to compare definition, syntax, mutability, and performance.Python List vs Dictionary Summary
Following are some of the major differences between a Python list and a dictionary.
11 months ago

Tuple vs List in Python: Syntax, Definition, and Performance - PythonForBeginners.com

In Python, tuples and lists are similar data structures apart from mutability.This article discusses Python tuple vs list to compare the syntax, definition, mutability, and performance of both data structures.Tuple vs List Definition
A Python list is a mutable data structure that we use to store elements in a sequential manner.
1 year ago

Pandas DataFrame to List in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

Python lists and dataframes are two of the most used data structures in python.While we use python lists to handle sequential data, dataframes are used to handle tabular data.In this article, we will discuss different ways to convert pandas dataframe to list in python.Convert Pandas DataFrame to a List of Rows
Each row in a pandas dataframe is stored as a series object with column names of the dataframe as the index and the values of the rows as associated values.
1 year ago

Pandas Assign New Columns to a DataFrame - PythonForBeginners.com

Pandas dataframes are the data structures that we use to handle tabular data in python.This article discusses different ways to assign new columns to pandas dataframe using the assign() method.The Pandas assign() Method
The assign() method is used to assign new columns to a pandas dataframe.It has the following syntax.
1 year ago

Create a Dictionary From a String in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

Strings and dictionaries are the two most used data structures in Python.We use strings for text analysis in Python.On the other hand, a dictionary is used to store key-value pairs.In this article, we will discuss how to create a dictionary from a string in Python.Create a Dictionary From a String Using for Loop
To create a dictionary from a string in Python, we can use a python for loop.
1 year ago

Pandas Dataframe Index in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

Therefore, you should first store the index column into a new column of the dataframe before changing the index column.Otherwise, you will lose data stored in the index column from your dataframe.
11 months ago

How to assign a variable in Python

Trey Hunner Python 3.7-3.11*

How can you assign a variable in Python?An equals sign assigns in Python
In Python, the equal sign (=) assigns a variable to a value:
This is called an assignment statement.We've pointed the variable count to the value 4.
We don't have declarations or initializations
Some programming languages have an idea of declaring variables.
1 year ago
Web design

Useful Tools for Visualizing Databases on a Budget | CSS-Tricks

A diagram is a graphical representation of information that depicts the structure, relationship, or operation of anything.
1 year ago

You're doing cloudops planning too late

I often remember fondly the days of the waterfall software development life cycle.Each task had a beginning and an end.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
11 months ago

API with NestJS #106. Improving performance through indexes with Prisma

The bigger our database, the more we need to care about its performance.A common way of improving it is through indexes.Therefore, this article introduces the idea of indexes and implements them through Prisma.You can find the code from this article in this repository.Introduction to indexes
In one of the recent articles, we've created a posts table.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

API with NestJS #82. Introduction to indexes with raw SQL queries

As our database grows, we need to put more and more emphasis on performance.A popular approach to dealing with this problem is by implementing indexes.In this article, we look into doing that with raw SQL in a project that does not use ORM.Introducing indexes
So far, in this series, we've created a table for storing posts.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

Creating recursive and dynamic forms with React Hook Form and TypeScript

React Hook Form is a popular library that helps us deal with forms and keep their code consistent across the whole application.
The Python Coding Book
1 year ago

What's a Python Sequence? [Python Data Structure Series #2]

You started your journey through Python's main data structure categories in the first article in this series, which dealt with iterables.In this article, you'll focus on another term you'll often see in Python articles and documentation.You'll explore the Python sequence.'Sequence' is not the name of a single data type in Python.
1 year ago

Convert XML to YAML in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

XML and YAML are two of the most used file formats in software engineering.Sometimes, we need to convert an XML file to YAML or vice versa.This article discusses how to convert XML string or file to YAML format in Python.What is XML Format?XML is a markup language used for encoding documents in a human and machine-readable format.
1 year ago

TypeScript 5.0 retools decorators

Microsoft published a beta release of TypeScript 5.0, the company's strongly typed JavaScript variant, on January 26.The new release aims to modernize decorators for class customization.Decorators, an upcoming ECMAScript feature, allow for customizing classes and their members in a reusable way, Microsoft noted in a blog post announcing the release.
1 year ago

Cruising through complex data

This post is a showcase of data wrangling techniques in Python, using glom.If you haven't heard of glom, it's a data transformation library and CLI designed for Python.Think HTML templating, but for objects, dicts, and other data structures.It's been almost five years since the first release of glom.
1 year ago

Identity Crisis: How Modern Applications Generate Unique Ids

TL;DR: Use  so you don't need to worry about all this identifier complexity.It's 7:15 am and customer support is swamped.We just got featured on Good Morning America, and a whole bunch of first time customers are bumping into bugs.A customer would fill a shopping cart with items, check out, pay for the items, and then be presented with an order receipt with all the wrong items!
1 year ago

Tapir 1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of tapir 1.0!After almost 4 years of development and multiple 0.x releases, the declarative, type-safe web endpoints library has reached the important milestone of a stable release.libraryDependencies += "com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir"%% "tapir-core" % "1.0.0" import sttp.tapir._
The Python Coding Book
1 year ago

What's a Python Iterable? [Python Data Structure Series #1]

You're familiar with data structures such as lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, and more.You may even know about the similarities and differences between their behaviours.But how comfortable are you with the terms used for the groups they belong to, like iterables, sequences, collections, and containers?
1 year ago

Pandas Series to DataFrame in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

Pandas series and dataframes are the two data structures that we use extensively to manipulate sequential or tabular data in Python.Sometimes, we need to convert one or multiple series objects to a dataframe in Python.This article discusses how to convert a pandas series to a dataframe in python.Convert Pandas Series to DataFrame Using the to_frame() Method
We can convert a pandas series to a dataframe using the to_frame() method.
1 year ago

malloc() function in C Programming Language | Codementor

The malloc function in C is used to dynamically allocate memory at runtime.This means that you can request memory from the operating system when your program is running, instead of having to specify the amount of memory you need before the program starts.In simple terms, malloc is a function that allows you to create a block of memory of a specified size and returns a pointer to the first byte of that block.
1 year ago

Convert XML to JSON in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

We use different file formats to store and transmit data generated from software systems.Sometimes, we need to convert an XML file to JSON to communicate between two software.This article discusses how to convert an XML file or string into JSON format in Python.What is XML?XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.
1 year ago

Structured clones in javascript

The structuredClone function is a relatively new addition to the JavaScript language that was introduced in ECMAScript 2019 (ES10).It is similar to the JSON.stringify and JSON.parse methods in that it allows developers to serialize and deserialize objects, but with some important differences.The structuredClone function creates a deep copy of an object and its properties, including any child objects and functions, while preserving their type and behavior.
1 year ago

Implementation of Data Structures in JavaScript

JavaScript, like many other programming languages, provides built-in support for common data structures such as arrays, lists, and dictionaries.In this blog post, we will discuss how to implement some of the most common data structures in JavaScript.Arrays Arrays are one of the simplest and most commonly used data structures.
1 year ago

7 Github Repositories to Become a Pro JavaScript Developer

What is JavaScript?JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.It is designed for creating network-centric web and mobile applications.It is complementary to and integrated with Java.JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML.It is open and cross-platform.
1 year ago

JavaScript Under The Hood: Advanced Concepts Developers Should Know

Have you ever wondered what happens inside the JavaScript engine when you execute your code?
It's pretty interesting!
Currently, it's 2022.JavaScript has taken over the internet.
1 year ago

Before directly jumping to code, learn this... | Codementor

Before learning any programming language, it is beneficial to have a solid understanding of the following concepts:

Algorithms: Understanding basic algorithms, such as sorting and searching, can help you understand how to design efficient and effective programs.Data Structures: Understanding basic data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, and trees, can help you understand how to organize and manipulate data in your programs.
1 year ago

Building A 500 Line API Regression Test Suite - PyBites

This article appeared as a Pybites email first.If you like it consider joining our friends list for weekly Python, developer and (!) mindset content ...Last year I built a cool API to post code images using our pybites-carbon tool.It will store the tip code in a database and store the code image in an S3 bucket.
1 year ago

Tips For Clean Code In Python - PyBites

In this article I will give you 10 tips for cleaner code.Hope this helps improve your Python code.
1.Smaller units.Break long functions (methods) into multiple smaller ones that do one thing ( SRP or "Single-responsibility principle").This will make your code more modular and easier to test.
1 year ago

Tapir 1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of tapir 1.0!
1 year ago

Top 5 Best Javascript Skillshare Classes 2022

Objects, Classes, and OOP - In JavaScript there's a special data type called an object.It lets you store named data points for easy access along with functions.
1 year ago

Tapir 1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of tapir 1.0!
1 year ago

REST vs GraphQL vs gRPC

REST, GraphQL, and gRPC are the 3 most popular API development technologies in modern web applications.However, choosing one isn't easy since they all have unique features.
1 year ago

The Case for Immutability in JavaScript

Immutability is the state in which nothing changes, nothing "mutates" and we can map that concept when speaking about coding, to data structures never changing.
1 year ago

Data Structures in JavaScript: Singly Linked Lists

Singly linked lists (sometimes known as single linked lists) provide a way of storing data in order.They're similar to arrays and, therefore, often get compared with one another.
1 year ago

Microstrategy Is Seeking a Full-Time Lightning Network Engineer to Build a SaaS Platform

Microstrategy Looks to Hire Lightning Network Software Developer
1 year ago
Ruby on Rails

The what, the why, and the how of Bloom Filters

Have you ever wondered how does Medium recommend blogs to read or how does a platform with millions of users tells if a username is available or taken?
Law Explained India
1 year ago

"Python for Everyone": learning Python

I conceptualized "Python for Everyone" to help women who want to start their careers in technology.After the introduction sessions, it was time for us to learn real "Technology".
1 year ago

Appreciating Python's match-case by parsing Python code

I stayed up past my bedtime recently and made a script and later a web app to convert a dataclass to a non-dataclass.
The Python Coding Book
1 year ago

Sunrise: A Python Turtle Animation Using Named Tuples

You may think the Python turtle module isn't useful for anything."It's just for kids", is what many think of it.However, this module allows you to explore and experiment with many areas of Python.
1 year ago

Find the Index of Max Value in a List in Python - PythonForBeginners.com

Lists in python are one of the most used data structures.In this article, we will discuss different ways to find the index of max value in a list in python.
1 year ago

'Hit a wall': Why TV advertising's measurement currency change won't happen in this year's upfront cycle

For as quickly as Nielsen's grip on the TV measurement market appears to have loosened in the last year, the measurement provider will likely retain its hold on this year's upfront.
1 year ago
Digital life

Computers Have Memories Too

Sometimes computer crashes occur because a computer program looks for something that no longer exists.
Stack Abuse
2 years ago

Guide to Sets in Python

In Python, a set is a data structure that stores unordered items.The set items are also unindexed.Like a list, a set allows the addition and removal of elements.
Stack Abuse
2 years ago

Guide to Dictionaries in Python

Python comes with a variety of built-in data structures, capable of storing different types of data.
2 years ago

Overlooked facts about variables and objects in Python: it's all about pointers

In Python, variables and data structures don't contain objects.This fact is both commonly overlooked and tricky to internalize.
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