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2 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Over two thirds of MPs have had their data leaked on the dark web, new study finds

Over 2/3 of UK MPs had their personal info exposed on the dark web due to third party breaches, risking national security. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Information security

The dark web is absolutely awash with stolen data on British MPs

The personal details of around 1,000 British MPs, MEPs, and French officials were exposed on the dark web, highlighting the risk of using official email addresses for third-party accounts. [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
2 weeks ago
Information security

68% of British MPs have had personal data exposed on the dark web

Over two-thirds of British MPs and almost half of EU MEPs had their email addresses leaked on the dark web, posing serious national security risks. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Christie's given Friday ransom deadline after threat group claims responsibility for cyber attack

Hacker group threatens to leak sensitive information from Christie's if ransom demands aren't met. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Dell says data breach affecting 49 million customers poses no 'significant risk'

Dell faces a data breach affecting 49 million individuals with purchase info; immediate crisis response implemented; no significant customer risk reported. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Feds investigates massive data dump allegedly

The US Department of State is investigating a cyber incident involving stolen classified information.
IntelBroker claims to have leaked treasure trove of confidential data, including government and military officials' contact info. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Over two thirds of MPs have had their data leaked on the dark web, new study finds

Over 2/3 of UK MPs had their personal info exposed on the dark web due to third party breaches, risking national security. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Information security

The dark web is absolutely awash with stolen data on British MPs

The personal details of around 1,000 British MPs, MEPs, and French officials were exposed on the dark web, highlighting the risk of using official email addresses for third-party accounts. [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
2 weeks ago
Information security

68% of British MPs have had personal data exposed on the dark web

Over two-thirds of British MPs and almost half of EU MEPs had their email addresses leaked on the dark web, posing serious national security risks. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Christie's given Friday ransom deadline after threat group claims responsibility for cyber attack

Hacker group threatens to leak sensitive information from Christie's if ransom demands aren't met. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Dell says data breach affecting 49 million customers poses no 'significant risk'

Dell faces a data breach affecting 49 million individuals with purchase info; immediate crisis response implemented; no significant customer risk reported. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Feds investigates massive data dump allegedly

The US Department of State is investigating a cyber incident involving stolen classified information.
IntelBroker claims to have leaked treasure trove of confidential data, including government and military officials' contact info. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Who plotted to sell Graceland? An identity thief raises his hand.

Identity thief ring targeting the deceased, vulnerable, focused on scamming estates like Lisa Marie Presley's. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Who Plotted to Sell Graceland? An Identity Thief Raises His Hand.

Identity thief on the dark web operated a network preying on deceased, unsuspecting, and elderly individuals for personal information and schemes. [ more ]
BBC News
2 months ago

Police bust global cyber gang accused of industrial-scale fraud

Younger individuals more susceptible to phishing scams due to familiarity with the internet. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Who plotted to sell Graceland? An identity thief raises his hand.

Identity thief ring targeting the deceased, vulnerable, focused on scamming estates like Lisa Marie Presley's. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Who Plotted to Sell Graceland? An Identity Thief Raises His Hand.

Identity thief on the dark web operated a network preying on deceased, unsuspecting, and elderly individuals for personal information and schemes. [ more ]
BBC News
2 months ago

Police bust global cyber gang accused of industrial-scale fraud

Younger individuals more susceptible to phishing scams due to familiarity with the internet. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Microsoft's New Recall AI Tool May Be a 'Privacy Nightmare'

Eventbrite was used to facilitate the illegal sale of controlled substances and other illicit activities, with the company's recommendation algorithm inadvertently promoting posts for opioids alongside addiction recovery events. [ more ]
1 month ago

US arrests alleged founders of Samourai Wallet crypto mixer

Two co-founders of Samourai Wallet face charges for facilitating money laundering of $100 million in criminal cash. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ukrainians crack network that stole 100m email, social accounts | Computer Weekly

Cyber criminals arrested in Ukraine for hacking millions of Instagram accounts
Attackers used brute force to access accounts and sold databases on dark web [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

US imprisons Ukrainian SSNDOB administrator for 8 years

Vitalii Chychasov, a Ukrainian national, has been sentenced to eight years in prison for running an online marketplace that sold personal data of 24 million US citizens.
The SSNDOB Marketplace operated for over a decade and had access to data from US-based data aggregators.
US authorities estimate that the marketplace generated over $19 million in sales. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Microsoft's New Recall AI Tool May Be a 'Privacy Nightmare'

Eventbrite was used to facilitate the illegal sale of controlled substances and other illicit activities, with the company's recommendation algorithm inadvertently promoting posts for opioids alongside addiction recovery events. [ more ]
1 month ago

US arrests alleged founders of Samourai Wallet crypto mixer

Two co-founders of Samourai Wallet face charges for facilitating money laundering of $100 million in criminal cash. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ukrainians crack network that stole 100m email, social accounts | Computer Weekly

Cyber criminals arrested in Ukraine for hacking millions of Instagram accounts
Attackers used brute force to access accounts and sold databases on dark web [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

US imprisons Ukrainian SSNDOB administrator for 8 years

Vitalii Chychasov, a Ukrainian national, has been sentenced to eight years in prison for running an online marketplace that sold personal data of 24 million US citizens.
The SSNDOB Marketplace operated for over a decade and had access to data from US-based data aggregators.
US authorities estimate that the marketplace generated over $19 million in sales. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

What Is the Dark Web? | TechRepublic

The Dark Web can be used for positive purposes like journalism and cybersecurity enhancement. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

"Junk gun" ransomware: the cheap new threat to small businesses

Cheap, unsophisticated ransomware like 'junk gun' poses a serious threat to organizations, despite not making headlines like other advanced variants. [ more ]
2 months ago

Attack (or Penetrate Test) Cloud Native the Easy Way

Weak cloud native infrastructure security defenses leave distributed networks vulnerable to attacks via simple tools or unpatched security holes, including easy access through dark web purchases. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

The dark web's two faces: Charity fundraisers alongside extortion and kidnapping

The dark web hosts criminal activities like selling malicious software, but also has its own norms and judicial system.
Only 5% of the internet is visible through popular browsers, with the deep web containing hidden information and the dark web associated with illegal activities. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy technologies

Fraudster's fake data breach claims should remind media to be careful what we report

Reports on alleged hacking incidents should be handled with caution without verification.
Hoaxes in data breaches can lead to reputation damage and financial costs for falsely accused organizations. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Russian-based LockBit ransomware hackers attempt a comeback

The LockBit ransomware gang attempts a comeback after being disrupted by international crackdown.
LockBit blames law enforcement for hacking their former dark web site, offers job to hacker. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

What Is the Dark Web? | TechRepublic

The Dark Web can be used for positive purposes like journalism and cybersecurity enhancement. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

"Junk gun" ransomware: the cheap new threat to small businesses

Cheap, unsophisticated ransomware like 'junk gun' poses a serious threat to organizations, despite not making headlines like other advanced variants. [ more ]
2 months ago

Attack (or Penetrate Test) Cloud Native the Easy Way

Weak cloud native infrastructure security defenses leave distributed networks vulnerable to attacks via simple tools or unpatched security holes, including easy access through dark web purchases. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

The dark web's two faces: Charity fundraisers alongside extortion and kidnapping

The dark web hosts criminal activities like selling malicious software, but also has its own norms and judicial system.
Only 5% of the internet is visible through popular browsers, with the deep web containing hidden information and the dark web associated with illegal activities. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy technologies

Fraudster's fake data breach claims should remind media to be careful what we report

Reports on alleged hacking incidents should be handled with caution without verification.
Hoaxes in data breaches can lead to reputation damage and financial costs for falsely accused organizations. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Russian-based LockBit ransomware hackers attempt a comeback

The LockBit ransomware gang attempts a comeback after being disrupted by international crackdown.
LockBit blames law enforcement for hacking their former dark web site, offers job to hacker. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Ransomware group publishes stolen NHS Scotland data to dark web

Ransomware attack on NHS Dumfries and Galloway led to leak of 3TB of sensitive data onto dark web. [ more ]
2 months ago

N.H. school bus driver and his wife accused of producing child porn

Couple accused of producing child sexual material
Investigation is ongoing in the case [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ransomware attacks aren't as sophisticated as you'd think

Cybercriminals are self-centered and egotistical.
Ransomware gangs are known to scam and betray each other. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

New leak site reveals yet two more U.S. medical sector victims

A new leak site called 'DragonForce' has appeared on the dark web, listing data breaches from previous attacks.
Two medical sector victims, Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network and Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services, were identified on the site. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ransomware attacks aren't as sophisticated as you'd think

Cybercriminals are self-centered and egotistical.
Ransomware gangs are known to scam and betray each other. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

New leak site reveals yet two more U.S. medical sector victims

A new leak site called 'DragonForce' has appeared on the dark web, listing data breaches from previous attacks.
Two medical sector victims, Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network and Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services, were identified on the site. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK dark web 'ban' debate sparked by Brianna Ghey murder

Ciaran Martin, the National Cyber Security Centre's first CEO, called for a greater focus on the dark web in UK schools to limit children's access to it.
Experts highlight the difficulty in achieving technology-based solutions to restrict children's access to the dark web. [ more ]
6 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Child predators are using AI to create sexual images of their favorite stars': My body will never be mine again'

Predators on the dark web are increasingly using AI to create sexually explicit images of children, particularly fixating on 'star victims.' [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK dark web 'ban' debate sparked by Brianna Ghey murder

Ciaran Martin, the National Cyber Security Centre's first CEO, called for a greater focus on the dark web in UK schools to limit children's access to it.
Experts highlight the difficulty in achieving technology-based solutions to restrict children's access to the dark web. [ more ]
6 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Child predators are using AI to create sexual images of their favorite stars': My body will never be mine again'

Predators on the dark web are increasingly using AI to create sexually explicit images of children, particularly fixating on 'star victims.' [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago
Digital life

Brianna Ghey's mother Esther says Online Safety Act does not go far enough

The mother of murdered teenager Brianna Ghey believes that the Online Safety Act is not effective enough in protecting children.
She argues that harmful content would still be seen by young people as it may not be deemed as harmful by the law. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Mechanic jailed for secret life moderating dark web child abuse site The Annex'

A car mechanic in the UK has been jailed for 16 years for running child abuse sites on the dark web.
The mechanic was one of three moderators of a site called The Annex, which had 90,000 global members and shared sickening images of child abuse. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy technologies

19 Individuals Worldwide Charged In Transnational Cybercrime Investigation Of The xDedic Marketplace

The xDedic Marketplace was a dark web website that illegally sold login credentials and personal information of US residents.
The website offered over 700,000 compromised servers for sale and was used for various illegal activities, including tax fraud and ransomware attacks. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Troves Of Iranian Hacked Insurance Customer Data On Sale

Iran Intl reports:
Anonymous hackers are selling 160 million customer information records cobbled together from 23 Iranian insurance companies for approximately $75,000.
5 months ago
Digital life

Brianna Ghey case should prompt parents to police children's internet use'

The Brianna Ghey case should prompt parents to sharpen up their internet awareness and police what their children are viewing online, the detective who oversaw the investigation into her teenage killers has said.
6 months ago
UK news

Respected' doctor caught selling drugs using dark web under Star Wars pseudonym

A doctor named Shoaib Ahmad has been jailed for five years for selling illegal drugs on the dark web.
Ahmad used the pseudonym Imperial Storm Trooper and carried out his transactions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency. [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

Multiple Data Leaks at 23andme

Genetics testing firm 23andme and its users were targeted by cybercriminals who leaked or breached millions of user profiles and genetic data records.
The threat actors accessed user accounts through credential stuffing and scraped data from the DNA Relatives feature. [ more ]
6 months ago

UK's largest ever haul' of synthetic opioids seized after raids in parts of London

Eleven people have been charged after the UK's largest ever haul of synthetic opioids was seized by police.
The drugs were believed to be sold via the Dark Web and are linked to several deaths.
Public health advice highlights the dangers of illegal drugs and offers support services for those in need. [ more ]
6 months ago

Largest ever seizure of synthetic opioids made in raid on suspected drug factory

UK police and border officials make largest ever seizure of synthetic opioids in a series of raids.
11 people have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to supply class A and B drugs, including synthetic opioids. [ more ]
The Cyber Express
5 days ago

Hacker Advertises New Click Fraud Software For Google ADS

A threat actor named 'enlared' is selling a click fraud software on the dark web for $700 to sabotage online competitors. [ more ]
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