What Anti-Musk Democrats Can Learn From Steve BannonThe rise of technofeudalism threatens to undermine the value of the average American citizen in favor of profit-driven technology leaders.
Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing CardsJames Harr's Most Wanted CEO playing cards critique capitalism and highlight corporate harms, sparking significant backlash from social media and law enforcement.
Jacopo Pagin's "Office Illusions" Takes on Corporate Dreams at Make Room Los Angeles | stupidDOPEPagin's exhibition critiques modern work culture, blending satire with existential questions through eerie office-themed artwork.
Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing CardsJames Harr's Most Wanted CEO playing cards critique capitalism and highlight corporate harms, sparking significant backlash from social media and law enforcement.
Jacopo Pagin's "Office Illusions" Takes on Corporate Dreams at Make Room Los Angeles | stupidDOPEPagin's exhibition critiques modern work culture, blending satire with existential questions through eerie office-themed artwork.
"Severance" and Our Own Workplace DystopiasSeverance critiques inhuman corporate cultures, urging organizations to foster meaningful connections and authentic engagements among employees.