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Federal Trade Commission
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

FTC Order Will Ban InMarket from Selling Precise Consumer Location Data

InMarket Media is prohibited from selling precise location data without informed consent from consumers.
The FTC action aims to protect consumers from unchecked corporate surveillance and data monetization. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

'It's in Google's best interest': Sources urge more formal Privacy Sandbox legal terms

The Google Privacy Sandbox APIs outage highlighted dependency and unease in the ad tech industry towards Google Chrome's changes.
Ad tech companies raised concerns about Google's terms of service and the lack of consumer consent in the Privacy Sandbox.
Issues around contractual agreements and consumer privacy regulations emerged with the proposed changes to Google's Privacy Sandbox. [ more ]
2 months ago

Mastercard, Instacart, Dstillery Discuss How Companies Can Finally Quit Invasive Data Practices at Cannes

Marketers still use invasive data collection methods despite claiming to prioritize privacy. [ more ]
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