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3 weeks ago

China makes cheap electric vehicles. Why can't American shoppers buy them?

Tariffs prevent cheap Chinese EVs from the U.S. market, impacting consumer choices and potential industry consequences. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

California bill takes aim at Ticketmaster, but musicians warn they could be collateral damage

First law in the nation to address Ticketmaster's monopoly
Aims to increase competition and consumer choices in ticket sales [ more ]
2 months ago
Tech industry

Justice Department files antitrust lawsuit against Apple over its infamous 'walled garden'

Apple accused of antitrust violations by DOJ and states
Apple's 'walled garden' approach hinders competition and consumer choice [ more ]
4 months ago

Apple will open iPhone to alternative app stores and lower fees in EU to comply with regulations

Apple is making changes to its app store to comply with European regulations and give consumers more choice.
The changes include allowing iPhone users in Europe to switch to using alternative app stores and enabling developers to offer alternative payment systems. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Pet owners overpaying for medicines as vets investigated by watchdog

Vets in the UK may be forced to cap prescription fees or sell off parts of their business due to concerns about overcharging.
Competition watchdog is launching a market investigation to address issues like lack of transparency in pricing and weak competition in the veterinary market. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Europe's farmers are struggling, but some sympathetic consumers have difficulty affording their food

French farmers are struggling due to multiple factors including inflation, high interest rates, and volatile energy prices.
Imported food is often cheaper than French-grown food, making it difficult for some consumers to afford local produce. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

Letters: Bravo to Chicago for its plan to go electric and move away from natural gas in new buildings

Chicago is considering the Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance (CABO) to make new construction greener
All-electric buildings are a viable option to reduce emissions and are becoming increasingly affordable [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies


Russia has passed a law requiring all smartphones, computers, and smart TVs sold in the country to have pre-installed Russian software.
The new law is expected to take effect on July 1, 2020. [ more ]
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