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1 month ago
San Francisco

Multiple cars reported in flames in SF's Tenderloin on Sunday

Multiple cars in San Francisco engulfed in separate fires early Sunday morning. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Los Angeles

A truck and a large chain: Thieves make off with Pasadena's bronze light poles

Thieves are targeting historic bronze light poles in Pasadena, with no arrests made yet.
Replacement poles are being used due to the historical significance and difficulty in finding the original ones. [ more ]
2 months ago

Latest peeper report roils Brighton again

Boston police investigate peeping Tom incident in Brighton.
Residents urged to be vigilant following increase in break-ins in the area. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Police investigate12 armed robberies in 3 hours

Chicago police issue community alert about string of armed robberies on Thanksgiving morning.
In each robbery, two to four men approached victims with handguns or long guns and demanded their property.
Police ask residents to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity. [ more ]
15 hours ago

Search for missing girl with links to south east London

Police searching for missing girl in south east London area. [ more ]
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