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The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
2 weeks ago

Ghosts of America's 'Street of Dreams': a comprehensive book brings the history New York's Fifth Avenue to life

Fifth Avenue evolved from esteemed residential area to commercial hub; grand houses by influential architects housed elite families, now mostly replaced by shops and hotels. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
2 weeks ago

USPTO Proposes National Strategy to Incentivize Inclusive Innovation

The USPTO announced a National Strategy for Inclusive Innovation to promote STEM participation and support underrepresented communities in inventorship and commercialization. [ more ]
Social Media Today
3 weeks ago

Reddit Adds Dynamic Product Ads to Help Brands Reach Shoppers in the Discovery Phase

Reddit is highly commercial with 40% of new conversations related to purchases. Dynamic Product Ads are now available in public beta. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago

Say something meaningful this IWD - or say nothing at all

International Women's Day should honor feminist pioneers, not be overshadowed by marketing gaffes.
IWD evolved from labor movements to celebrate women's achievements, yet commercialization has diluted its essence. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Monopoly: the Movie? Pop culture has become a series of lukewarm adverts and it's all so very dull | Dan Hancox

Hollywood's trend of creating movies based on commercial products for guaranteed success is criticized for lack of originality and creativity. [ more ]
1 month ago

Atlas shrugged: Boston Dynamics retires its hydraulic humanoid robot | TechCrunch

Boston Dynamics retires humanoid robots like Atlas, signaling a shift towards new beginnings and commercialization. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft puts ex-DeepMind boffin in charge of London AI Hub

Microsoft opening AI hub in London led by former DeepMind researchers.
Focus on advancing machine learning tools and commercializing AI investments. [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI's iPhone Moment

Google has released Gemini 1.0, its most advanced generative-AI model that can solve calculus problems, explain memes, write code, and more.
Gemini's launch indicates that generative AI has reached its corporate phase and is comparable to other product launches in Silicon Valley. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Creators of Fake Influencer Say She's Generating $11,000/Month

Spanish agency The Clueless created an AI model named Aitana, a 25-year-old pink-haired woman from Barcelona, to replace human models
Aitana has been successful financially, earning the agency up to $11,000 a month in revenue
The concept of AI influencers is a growing trend in the industry, with Aitana selling racy images on a platform called Fanvue [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago
OMG science

For the first time NASA has asked industry about private missions to Mars

NASA issued a request for proposals from the US space industry for commercial services studies related to Mars.
The solicitation outlines four design reference missions that companies can bid on, including payload delivery, hosting, and imaging services. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
4 months ago

The Dream of a Universal Library | Robert Darnton

The digitization of libraries and access to books online has sparked a battle between democratization and commercialization of knowledge.
Google's digitization efforts have faced legal challenges and have transformed into a profit-driven commercial library. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
5 months ago

The Dream of a Universal Library | Robert Darnton

The digitization of libraries by Google promised to open up access to knowledge, but it has also led to closed access and commercialization.
The battle between democratization and commercialization in the world of learning is driven by self-interest and tectonic shifts in research and publication. [ more ]
The Drum
5 months ago
Media industry

How Coca-Cola thinking could fix the news industry

The news industry is commercializing backward by pivoting from a mass-market approach to an exclusively closed-off subscription one.
News organizations need to learn from successful brands like Coca-Cola and create products that customers are willing to pay for. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

Op-ed: Take advantage of Small Business Saturday in Chicago

The commercialization of Thanksgiving has overshadowed its true essence
There are great disparities in economic investment and resources between different neighborhoods in Chicago
Addressing disinvestment and inequality requires proactive programs like Invest South/West [ more ]
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