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4 days ago

Millennials Are Opening Up About The Reasons Why They Don't Want To Have Kids

Not everyone wants to be a parent, with reasons ranging from environmental concerns to personal enjoyment of freedom and financial stability. [ more ]
3 months ago

How to date when you're a woman who doesn't want children

The number of adults choosing to be childfree is growing in the United States, with 44% of adults aged 18 to 49 reporting it's unlikely they will have children.
Reasons for choosing to be childfree range from concerns about the climate crisis and financial constraints to personal preferences and anxiety about pregnancy.
Women who choose to be childfree still face societal expectations, gender roles, and potential relationship challenges, but deserve support in making their own choices. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago

I'm Sick of My Parent Friends Treating Their Toddlers Like Little Adults

The letter writer, who is childfree, is struggling with spending time with parent friends and their toddlers who constantly interrupt adult conversations.
The letter writer is unsure of how to navigate these situations and is seeking advice on how to be kind to the child while still being able to hang out with friends. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

I'm 24 - having kids is selfish, I don't ever want to become a mom

A Gen Zer from NYC believes it is selfish to have children and encourages people to make a conscious decision to not become parents.
She believes that people have children for selfish reasons, such as wanting to be a better parent or wanting a 'mini-me'. She views having a child as inherently selfish. [ more ]
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