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Auth0 - Blog
10 months ago

Build a Beautiful CRUD App with Spring Boot and Angular

1. Leverage the power of Spring Boot and Angular to create an efficient and secure CRUD application.
2. Utilize Auth0 to provide authentication and authorization in the application.
3. Implement a comprehensive security strategy by using the OAuth 2.0 standard to access protected resources.
11 months ago

GitHub - vanjs-org/van: VanJS (Vanilla JavaScript): World's smallest reactive UI framework

1. VanJS is a free and open source JavaScript community dedicated to helping developers grow and learn.
2. VanJS offers a variety of resources including a weekly newsletter, online meetups, coding challenges, and hackathons.
3. VanJS also provides an online community platform to
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

How to use configurable module builders in NestJS v9 - LogRocket Blog

NestJS is a web framework built exclusively in TypeScript.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

Introduction to performance testing with k6

Writing unit and integration tests is a great way to verify the business logic in our code.
1 year ago

Best practices for AWS Lambda

Good practices to follow while working with lambda
A brief intro to lambda working.
Lambda function components
11 months ago

Containers vs Components in Angular

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash The Containers vs Component approach is a well-known pattern already existing within the Front-end world for a while.Most of you already use it widely and embrace its potential.But have you ever wondered why containers vs components pattern is important to properly use it especially in Angular?
1 year ago

Functional Programming: Functors

In the previous article in this series we discussed a very useful pattern; Composition and how we can use it to compose bigger systems out of smaller granular units.In this article we'll be talking about Functors!Table of content

     A Problem
     The Maybe Functor
     Solving The Problem Using Maybe Functor
     Functors Laws
     Why To Use Functors?
1 year ago

Want to See the True Power of React HOCs? Try This

As the application grows, new changes and features are added.
Use them to compose new apps and experiences faster.
1 year ago

5 Steps To Build React Components Like A Pro

A component is a fundamental building block in React.In this article, we are going to look at a quick way to build truly maintainable, flexible, simple, and reusable components.
1 year ago

Vue.js-Day 04

Animate.css Vue UI Tailwind Authentication - firebase Mutations & Actions Flux
Authentication - firebase
Mutations & Actions
11 months ago
Marketing tech

Marketing use cases for data clean rooms | MarTech

Data clean rooms (DCRs) are a relatively new technology that marketers are using to enhance their use of data in a privacy-compliant way.Ana Milicevic, principal and co-founder of management consultancy Sparrow Advisers, recently gave The MarTech Conference some answers to pressing questions marketers have about how DCRs can power their stack.
1 year ago

Boost Your Angular Application Development with Best Practices

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used for developing dynamic, scalable and single-page applications.To ensure the success of an Angular project, it's important to follow best practices while designing the application.In this article, we'll discuss the key design principles and best practices to keep in mind while designing an Angular application.
1 year ago

I Tried to Build a WebApp Without Spinners & Loaders Using Replicache

When we're building web applications, there is usually one constant: waiting time.It of course depends on what you're building and how much interaction you have with other systems or the back-end of your app.But whenever you're sending data out from the client, you usually, have to wait and that wait tends to translate into some kind of visual indicator to your users (be it a progress bar, a loading icon, a spinning wheel, you name it).
1 year ago

GraphQL coroutines

This is how the GraphQL documentation introduces execution, as a hierarchy of resolvers:

You can think of each field in a GraphQL query as a function or method of the previous type which returns the next type.In fact, this is exactly how GraphQL works.Each field on each type is backed by a function called the resolver which is provided by the GraphQL server developer.
1 year ago

How to Get Started With a Clean Architecture Template for NodeJS, Ts.ED and TypeScript | HackerNoon

I am a martian, but also a software developer.
1 year ago

ExpressJS antipattern: making everything middleware - Corey Cleary

Something I see in many ExpressJS APIs is the overuse / incorrect use of middleware.Sometimes to the extent that almost everything is middleware.
What this usually ends up looking like is this:
1 year ago

Using SGAI to deliver and play ads with flexibility and scale

Disney+ Basic is now available in the U.S., and allows viewers to enjoy the amazing catalog of content on Disney+ with a lower priced, ad-supported subscription option in addition to the ad-free Disney+ Premium plan.As many who have worked on an ad-supported product know, delivering ads is not always simple, at least not with service flexibility and scale.
1 year ago
Ruby on Rails

Punch Code Generator. Frame for designing business logic with The Clean Architecture

If you find a solution for how to pack your business logic you can have a look at Punch.Its basic idea is to provide a clean robust frame for domain business logic and bring efficiency to the design process.Playing last year with The Clean Architecture I found it just a really amazing tool, but it also was a bit tiresome because of the necessity to create and require entities and services sources separately.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

Cybersecurity Experts Warn Twitter Breach Will Have Lasting Ramifications - Social Media Explorer

A hacker forum posted the account information of around 200 million Twitter users for no cost.getty After a ransomware infection, the United States Conference of Mayors unanimously voted to stop paying ransoms to hackers in July 2019.Cybersecurity experts heralded the decision, and numerous companies have also taken a stance that a ransom should never be paid - as doing so will only likely result in future attacks from bad actors.
1 year ago

Tapir 1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of tapir 1.0!After almost 4 years of development and multiple 0.x releases, the declarative, type-safe web endpoints library has reached the important milestone of a stable release.libraryDependencies += "com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir"%% "tapir-core" % "1.0.0" import sttp.tapir._
1 year ago

7 Popular React Native UI Component Libraries You Should Know.

If you are building an application of any size, you are likely to need a component library.Component libraries allow you to create a consistent feel for your application.They will often adapt well when switching between desktop and mobile clients.Most importantly, component libraries often give your application a usability boost.
1 year ago

Tapir 1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of tapir 1.0!
The Verge
1 year ago

Spotify keeps making it harder to listen to music

Thursday morning, I woke up in a haze and decided to listen to ambient music while I drank my first cup of coffee.
1 year ago
UX design

The lost art of prototyping: why Axure is still the best pick for many designers

In the old days, there were only UX Designers or Graphic Designers.UX Designers knew how to conduct workshops, design wireframes, and prototype them.
1 year ago

Tapir 1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of tapir 1.0!
1 year ago
Business intelligence

Data Pipeline ETL, ELT & EtLT

When it comes to data pipelines, a lot has been discussed about ETL, ELT and then about EtLT.While these terms seem synonymous, there is a slight difference among them.Let us try to understand more about these.If you are someone just starting with data engineering, this will help you understand the difference between these three.
1 year ago

Trying Lit: Google's Web Component Library

Like all major players in our industry, Google has its own proposed alternative to what building Web Components should look like: Lit.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

Managing dependency boundaries in TypeScript - LogRocket Blog

We'll review the potential pitfalls when dependencies are left unchecked, and we'll propose a solution for keeping our code in sync with the architecture dependency.
As your project grows, it is easy to automate manual dependency-rule checking, which encourages the team to be intentional about dependencies.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

An intro to routing in Go with Gorilla Mux - LogRocket Blog

HTTP routers are tools and libraries that help receive and relay network requests to the specified handlers.
New Relic
1 year ago

Lambda performance optimization

How memory affects Lambda performance
A key thing to watch for in Lambda functions at runtime is memory usage.
2 years ago

Microsoft reveals revamped Azure CDN - in two editions

Microsoft has created a new version of its Azure Front Door content delivery network (CDN), and told users of its existing two cloudy CDNs that if they want updates the way to get them is migrating to the new product.
1 year ago

Join a list with a bitwise or operator in Python - Peterbe.com

The bitwise OR operator in Python is often convenient when you want to combine multiple things into one thing.
1 year ago
Node JS

Will JavaScript containers overtake Linux containers?

Developers of the Deno JavaScript and TypeScript runtime are exploring the possibility of JavaScript containers-and the JavaScript sandbox itself-as a higher-level alternative to Linux containers.
1 year ago

Will JavaScript containers overtake Linux containers?

Developers of the Deno JavaScript and TypeScript runtime are exploring the possibility of JavaScript containers-and the JavaScript sandbox itself-as a higher-level alternative to Linux containers.
Ars Technica
2 years ago
Information security

Explaining Spring4Shell: The Internet security disaster that wasn't

Hype and hyperbole were on full display this week as the security world reacted to reports of yet another Log4Shell.
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