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The Drum
4 months ago

Channel 4 lifts the lid on how its creative sales unit works with Clarins, TikTok and more

Contextually relevant ads by brands like Clarins and TikTok are being developed by Channel 4's creative sales unit.
Collaborations between brands and broadcasters like Channel 4 are enabling targeted advertising around specific content. [ more ]
4 months ago

BrandStorytelling BrandVoice: Dive Into 'Responsibility Island' From H&R Block

H&R Block ventures into branded entertainment with 'Responsibility Island'.
Collaboration between H&R Block and Piro results in a strategic and entertaining tax-themed show. [ more ]
The Drum
3 weeks ago

5 things to consider before you take the plunge into branded entertainment

Long-form branded films are gaining popularity in marketing as they provide a deeper connection with consumers and enhance brand equity. [ more ]
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