Job Vacancy: Backend Engineer (m/f/d) // future demand | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup JobsThe company is hiring a software engineer to enhance their data insights platform for live entertainment.
The Hidden Backbone Of eLearning: Why Backend Development Matters More Than UIThe backend of an LMS is crucial for operation, stability, and performance, outweighing the importance of a visually appealing user interface.
Translating Express Backend API (i18n)Internationalizing your backend enhances user experience by providing content in users' preferred languages, increasing accessibility and engagement.
The Hidden Backbone Of eLearning: Why Backend Development Matters More Than UIThe backend of an LMS is crucial for operation, stability, and performance, outweighing the importance of a visually appealing user interface.
Translating Express Backend API (i18n)Internationalizing your backend enhances user experience by providing content in users' preferred languages, increasing accessibility and engagement.
Getting Started With Node.js Is Simpler Than You Think | HackerNoonNode.js enables the use of JavaScript for server-side programming, expanding its applicability beyond client-side development.
How to Build Backends Lightning-Fast With YAML: Digesto | HackerNoonDigesto allows frontend developers to easily generate backend services using a YAML configuration, streamlining the development process.
Mastering NestJS: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers - MakemychanceNestJS is a progressive Node.js framework for building scalable server-side applications, favored for its modular architecture and TypeScript usage.
Getting Started With Node.js Is Simpler Than You Think | HackerNoonNode.js enables the use of JavaScript for server-side programming, expanding its applicability beyond client-side development.
How to Build Backends Lightning-Fast With YAML: Digesto | HackerNoonDigesto allows frontend developers to easily generate backend services using a YAML configuration, streamlining the development process.
Mastering NestJS: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers - MakemychanceNestJS is a progressive Node.js framework for building scalable server-side applications, favored for its modular architecture and TypeScript usage.
Job Vacancy: Senior back end engineer (Ruby on Rails) m/w/d // gGmbH | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup seeks a Senior Backend Engineer to use Ruby on Rails for impactful work aiding 59,000 NGOs.
Job Vacancy: Backend Developer // bcause | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobsbcause empowers everyone to become a philanthropist by providing a foundation-as-a-service platform for donations, loans, and investments.
Job Vacancy: Senior back end engineer (Ruby on Rails) m/w/d // gGmbH | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup seeks a Senior Backend Engineer to use Ruby on Rails for impactful work aiding 59,000 NGOs.
Job Vacancy: Backend Developer // bcause | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobsbcause empowers everyone to become a philanthropist by providing a foundation-as-a-service platform for donations, loans, and investments.
Reusable Components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind CSS - Part 1Building UI components in full-stack Django apps aids code reusability and maintainability.
Comparing Vue.js, Alpine.js, HTMX, and Vaadin: A Backend Developer's Guide to AJAX and SSR | HackerNoonComparison of AJAX libraries reveals varying levels of frontend skill requirements and integration ease for backend developers.
Visualize JSON data with these popular tools - LogRocket BlogSupabase simplifies backend development for frontend developers, allowing greater focus on UI design.
Full Stack Developer Job Description: Roles and DutiesFull Stack Developers bridge front-end and back-end tasks, ensuring seamless project integration and efficient communication for cohesive development processes.
Senior Fullstack Developer (Nuxt3, Express & PostgreSQL) at BetterPicBetterPic is seeking talented engineers to help democratize professional headshots using AI technology.
Reusable Components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind CSS - Part 1Building UI components in full-stack Django apps aids code reusability and maintainability.
Comparing Vue.js, Alpine.js, HTMX, and Vaadin: A Backend Developer's Guide to AJAX and SSR | HackerNoonComparison of AJAX libraries reveals varying levels of frontend skill requirements and integration ease for backend developers.
Visualize JSON data with these popular tools - LogRocket BlogSupabase simplifies backend development for frontend developers, allowing greater focus on UI design.
Full Stack Developer Job Description: Roles and DutiesFull Stack Developers bridge front-end and back-end tasks, ensuring seamless project integration and efficient communication for cohesive development processes.
Senior Fullstack Developer (Nuxt3, Express & PostgreSQL) at BetterPicBetterPic is seeking talented engineers to help democratize professional headshots using AI technology.
The advantages of HTML as a data model over basic declarative ORM approachBackend developers often struggle with writing code, relying on a unified model to simplify database interactions and frontend communication.
Gigaclear One Touch Switch ServiceGigaclear's One Touch Switch project exemplifies innovative solutions for automated ISP switching, enhancing connectivity for rural communities.
How to Server-Side Render With Spring Boot | HackerNoonUnderstanding project setup is essential for effective utilization of client-side web technologies.WebJars streamline client-side dependency management in JVM-based applications.
Job Vacancy: Backend Developer (m/f/d) with a Focus on PHP // keySquare Network UG (haftungsbeschrankt) & Co. KG | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup JobsThe agency specializes in communication and web design, particularly for the gaming, web, and technology sectors.They are seeking a backend developer with PHP experience and familiarity with WordPress and WooCommerce.
Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Creating a Web Project | HackerNoonStore sensitive information like API keys and passwords securely using tools like environment variables or HashiCorp Vault to prevent breaches and maintain data security.
Singularity: Streamlining Game Development with a Universal Backend Framework | HackerNoonCreating a universal framework with generic, reusable components can significantly reduce development time and effort in backend projects.
warp adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket BlogWarp is a widely-used Rust web server framework known for its speed, efficiency, and asynchronous operations handling.Warp offers built-in filters for various tasks like path routing, query string deserialization, and WebSocket support.
Sample GraphQL APIHot Chocolate NuGet package enables GraphQL APIImplementation utilizes Minimal APIFiltering endpoints can be enabled using Hot Chocolate package
The State of Django 2024 | The PyCharm BlogDjango remains popular among developers, with many also using Flask or FastAPI for different purposes.
Exploring actions and request rewriting in Astro - LogRocket BlogAstro 4.8 introduces server actions and URL request rewriting in an experimental phase, enhancing backend functionality and routing capabilities.
Using PocketBase to build a full-stack application - LogRocket BlogPocketBase allows developers to quickly set up a performant backend for SaaS and mobile apps with essential features and real-time database support.