Scientists demonstrate X-rays for asteroid defense
X-rays can deflect asteroids by vaporizing surface material, a potential breakthrough for planetary defense.
Smashing into an asteroid shows researchers how to better protect Earth
A spacecraft successfully slammed into an asteroid as part of a deflection mission, demonstrating the concept of planetary defense using kinetic impactors.
Was Bruce Willis right? Could a nuclear blast save us from killer asteroid?
Researchers can simulate a nuclear pulse to alter asteroid trajectories, presenting new possibilities for planetary defense against asteroid collisions.
Scientists successfully 'nuke asteroid' - in a lab mock-up
Nuclear explosions could potentially be harnessed to alter asteroid trajectories and prevent catastrophic impacts on Earth.
Scientists demonstrate X-rays for asteroid defense
X-rays can deflect asteroids by vaporizing surface material, a potential breakthrough for planetary defense.
Smashing into an asteroid shows researchers how to better protect Earth
A spacecraft successfully slammed into an asteroid as part of a deflection mission, demonstrating the concept of planetary defense using kinetic impactors.
Was Bruce Willis right? Could a nuclear blast save us from killer asteroid?
Researchers can simulate a nuclear pulse to alter asteroid trajectories, presenting new possibilities for planetary defense against asteroid collisions.
Scientists successfully 'nuke asteroid' - in a lab mock-up
Nuclear explosions could potentially be harnessed to alter asteroid trajectories and prevent catastrophic impacts on Earth.