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eLearning Industry
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Gen AI In L&D: Don't Throw The Bot Out With The Bath Water!

Integrating generative AI into corporate training programs can be contentious, with concerns about superficial content and inaccuracies but notable potential for scaling content output. [ more ]
2 months ago
Food & drink

Increasing food, housing costs drives need at SW Portland free pantry

Visiting food pantries can assist individuals facing unexpected financial challenges. [ more ]
3 months ago

At 45, I grieved the idea of motherhood. Then, by pure fluke, I was pregnant'

Older motherhood can elicit mixed reactions from others
The author's natural conception at age 46 surprises many people [ more ]
4 months ago

Single People Share The Most Annoying Assumptions Non-Single People Make

People make presumptuous assumptions about single people, such as assuming they are rich, not wanting to go to events involving children, or lacking fulfillment in life.
Single people often enjoy their independence and make their own decisions without needing to consult a partner. [ more ]
4 months ago
San Francisco 49ers

Exposing myths for all 14 NFL playoff teams: Where everyone is wrong about the 49ers, Bills, Ravens and Chiefs

Assumptions can be incorrect about 14 playoff teams after a 17-game season.
There are myths about the playoff field that need to be busted. [ more ]
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