2D art of the week: Deborah SaezDeborah Saez's character designs reflect her inspirations, with notable influences including Fumi Ishikawa, leading to unique expressions of creativity and emotion.
How to push colours while painting in PhotoshopRichard Lay emphasizes the importance of vibrant colors and textures in Photoshop for creating immersive digital artwork.
2D art of the week: Deborah SaezDeborah Saez's character designs reflect her inspirations, with notable influences including Fumi Ishikawa, leading to unique expressions of creativity and emotion.
How to push colours while painting in PhotoshopRichard Lay emphasizes the importance of vibrant colors and textures in Photoshop for creating immersive digital artwork.
22 Skills Older Adults Perfected Over The Years That Are Obsolete TodayThe graphic design process has dramatically evolved from manual typesetting and paste-ups to instantaneous digital solutions.
From Gossamer Objects to Monumental Architecture, Do Ho Suh Embraces the ProcessThe creative process for Do Ho Suh is as crucial as the final artwork, showcasing a continuous exploration of themes like home and memory.
A Review of Melvin Edwards at Fridericianum | Berlin Art LinkMelvin Edwards' retrospective highlights the intimate relationship between his materials and the historical context of his art process. The focus is on process over finality.
Opinion | I'm Just a Human Sitting in Front of a Stack of Blank Paper, Sketching as Fast as I CanPrompt-Brush offers a unique human perspective on generative art by transforming diverse prompts into personal drawings based on individual experiences.
Alex Katz Captures the Changing Seasons in Monumental Paintings at MoMA | stupidDOPEAlex Katz's Seasons series at MoMA showcases a dynamic exploration of nature's beauty through abstract and intuitive paintings inspired by the changing seasons.
The Hex And Other Stories: Artist Talk (Oakland)Explore artist Jennifer Roberts' debut solo exhibit 'The Hex And Other Stories', unveiling her process, symbolism importance, and journey to becoming an artist.