#Secret Service

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ABC7 San Francisco
3 weeks ago
Information security

Trump campaign calls out 'critical flaw' in Milwaukee RNC convention's safety from protesters

The Trump campaign demands the Secret Service to adjust the security perimeter for the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

Senators Push for Secret Service to Move Protests Away From G.O.P. Convention

Efforts by Senate Republicans to push protesters further from the Republican National Convention due to safety concerns. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Barron Trump to be a Florida delegate at the Republican National Convention this summer

Barron Trump selected as a delegate for GOP's national convention in Florida. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
3 weeks ago
Information security

Trump campaign calls out 'critical flaw' in Milwaukee RNC convention's safety from protesters

The Trump campaign demands the Secret Service to adjust the security perimeter for the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

Senators Push for Secret Service to Move Protests Away From G.O.P. Convention

Efforts by Senate Republicans to push protesters further from the Republican National Convention due to safety concerns. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Barron Trump to be a Florida delegate at the Republican National Convention this summer

Barron Trump selected as a delegate for GOP's national convention in Florida. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
US news

GOP escalates fight with Secret Service over convention protesters

Republican Party officials are pushing the U.S. Secret Service to expand the security perimeter for the party's convention in Milwaukee, demanding protesters be moved farther away from the arena. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Trump Acknowledges He Wanted to Go to the Capitol on Jan. 6

Former President Trump acknowledged trying to go to Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 despite being discouraged by Secret Service. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

Think You're Smarter Than a Slate Senior Editor? Find Out With This Week's News Quiz.

Stay updated with current events by completing Slate's weekly news quiz. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Secret Service Had to Adjust Tactics to Avoid Bites From Biden's Dog

The Secret Service had to adjust operational tactics due to President Biden's dog biting agents.
At least 24 biting episodes involving Commander, the first family's dog, were recorded, prompting a change in tactics. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
US politics

White House decries swatting as 'dangerous' after being hit with fake 911 call claiming fire

White House press secretary condemns 'swatting' calls after false report of fire at executive mansion
The Secret Service is closely monitoring the situation [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Driver in Custody After Crashing Into Gate Near the White House

A driver crashed into an exterior gate near the White House, but it is unclear if it was intentional.
President Biden was not at the White House during the incident. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
US news

GOP escalates fight with Secret Service over convention protesters

Republican Party officials are pushing the U.S. Secret Service to expand the security perimeter for the party's convention in Milwaukee, demanding protesters be moved farther away from the arena. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Trump Acknowledges He Wanted to Go to the Capitol on Jan. 6

Former President Trump acknowledged trying to go to Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 despite being discouraged by Secret Service. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

Think You're Smarter Than a Slate Senior Editor? Find Out With This Week's News Quiz.

Stay updated with current events by completing Slate's weekly news quiz. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Secret Service Had to Adjust Tactics to Avoid Bites From Biden's Dog

The Secret Service had to adjust operational tactics due to President Biden's dog biting agents.
At least 24 biting episodes involving Commander, the first family's dog, were recorded, prompting a change in tactics. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
US politics

White House decries swatting as 'dangerous' after being hit with fake 911 call claiming fire

White House press secretary condemns 'swatting' calls after false report of fire at executive mansion
The Secret Service is closely monitoring the situation [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Driver in Custody After Crashing Into Gate Near the White House

A driver crashed into an exterior gate near the White House, but it is unclear if it was intentional.
President Biden was not at the White House during the incident. [ more ]
7 months ago
US politics

Secret Service Agent Protecting Naomi Biden Fires Gun During Car Break-In

A Secret Service agent guarding one of President Biden's granddaughters fired at three people seen breaking into a government vehicle.
The three individuals remain at large, and there is no indication that they knew the vehicle belonged to Mr. Biden's granddaughter. [ more ]
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