#Mainstream media

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14 hours ago
Privacy professionals

It's a pretty pass when even the Fortean Times warns of the lone nut fraternity' | Tim Adams

Fortean Times reflects a cultural shift where conspiracy theories now permeate mainstream discourse rather than remaining a niche interest. [ more ]
1 day ago
Media industry

Mark Cuban Roasts Libs of TikTok' For Playing the Victim' After Declaring Conservative Media The MSM'

Mark Cuban asserts that conservative media is now the mainstream media based on audience popularity. [ more ]
1 day ago
Left-wing politics

CNN's Amanpour Criticizes Melania Trump For Blaming Political Violence on Mainstream Media'

Melania Trump blames mainstream media for stoking political violence against her husband, deeming it harmful rhetoric.
Christiane Amanpour counters that media is not responsible for political violence, urging a retraction of Melania's statements. [ more ]
2 days ago
Media industry

Mark Cuban Rejects Accusations Media Leans Liberal, Says Conservatives Control the Space Today: Mainstream Media Is Not Who You Think It Is'

Mark Cuban argues that the mainstream media leans right, contrary to popular belief of left-leaning bias. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US Elections

Morning Joe Crew Accuses Media of Pro-Trump Bias: So Concerned With Being Objective' They Give Trump an Advantage'

Mainstream media coverage of Trump is criticized for false equivalency and lack of accountability in reporting his dangerous remarks. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

The mainstream media has totally failed to live up to the challenge of covering Donald Trump - LGBTQ Nation

Mainstream media's handling of Trump has worsened, normalizing his dangerous behavior instead of addressing serious accusations and scandals. [ more ]
14 hours ago
Privacy professionals

It's a pretty pass when even the Fortean Times warns of the lone nut fraternity' | Tim Adams

Fortean Times reflects a cultural shift where conspiracy theories now permeate mainstream discourse rather than remaining a niche interest. [ more ]
1 day ago
Media industry

Mark Cuban Roasts Libs of TikTok' For Playing the Victim' After Declaring Conservative Media The MSM'

Mark Cuban asserts that conservative media is now the mainstream media based on audience popularity. [ more ]
1 day ago
Left-wing politics

CNN's Amanpour Criticizes Melania Trump For Blaming Political Violence on Mainstream Media'

Melania Trump blames mainstream media for stoking political violence against her husband, deeming it harmful rhetoric.
Christiane Amanpour counters that media is not responsible for political violence, urging a retraction of Melania's statements. [ more ]
2 days ago
Media industry

Mark Cuban Rejects Accusations Media Leans Liberal, Says Conservatives Control the Space Today: Mainstream Media Is Not Who You Think It Is'

Mark Cuban argues that the mainstream media leans right, contrary to popular belief of left-leaning bias. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US Elections

Morning Joe Crew Accuses Media of Pro-Trump Bias: So Concerned With Being Objective' They Give Trump an Advantage'

Mainstream media coverage of Trump is criticized for false equivalency and lack of accountability in reporting his dangerous remarks. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

The mainstream media has totally failed to live up to the challenge of covering Donald Trump - LGBTQ Nation

Mainstream media's handling of Trump has worsened, normalizing his dangerous behavior instead of addressing serious accusations and scandals. [ more ]
9 months ago
San Francisco

Why now is the best time to live in San Francisco

Mainstream media often portrays San Francisco in a negative light.
The author argues that San Francisco's current state is more accurately described as a 'doom valley', rather than a 'doom loop'. [ more ]
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