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1 month ago

G7 Finance Ministers Close Ranks as Tensions with Russia and China Fester

Top finance officials are closer to using Russia's frozen assets for Ukraine aid and uniting against China's dumping, aiming to tackle global economic crises together. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

US pushes for Ukraine aid, united front against China's trade practices at G7 finance meeting

The US pushes for accessing frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine amidst Ukraine-Russia conflict. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

G7 countries slam Chinese firms' support for Russia's defence industry

Chinese businesses transferring materials to Russia for weapons production in Ukraine is concerning to G7 foreign ministers, urging pressure on China. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

EU foreign policy chief warns Middle East 'on edge of regional war'

G7 discusses securing military funding for Ukraine, consider releasing seized Russian funds to Kyiv. [ more ]
1 week ago
Russo-Ukrainian War

G7 to use Russian assets for $50bn Ukraine loan: How will it work?

The G7 announced a plan to use $50bn frozen Russian assets to finance a loan for Ukraine to defend against Russia. [ more ]
1 week ago
Russo-Ukrainian War

How the West will use frozen Russian assets to back Ukraine DW 06/13/2024

Funding for Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion is a complex political issue.
G7 plans a new loan approach using interest made on frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine. [ more ]
1 month ago

G7 Finance Ministers Close Ranks as Tensions with Russia and China Fester

Top finance officials are closer to using Russia's frozen assets for Ukraine aid and uniting against China's dumping, aiming to tackle global economic crises together. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

US pushes for Ukraine aid, united front against China's trade practices at G7 finance meeting

The US pushes for accessing frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine amidst Ukraine-Russia conflict. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

G7 countries slam Chinese firms' support for Russia's defence industry

Chinese businesses transferring materials to Russia for weapons production in Ukraine is concerning to G7 foreign ministers, urging pressure on China. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

EU foreign policy chief warns Middle East 'on edge of regional war'

G7 discusses securing military funding for Ukraine, consider releasing seized Russian funds to Kyiv. [ more ]
1 week ago
Russo-Ukrainian War

G7 to use Russian assets for $50bn Ukraine loan: How will it work?

The G7 announced a plan to use $50bn frozen Russian assets to finance a loan for Ukraine to defend against Russia. [ more ]
1 week ago
Russo-Ukrainian War

How the West will use frozen Russian assets to back Ukraine DW 06/13/2024

Funding for Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion is a complex political issue.
G7 plans a new loan approach using interest made on frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Japan can embrace open science - but flexible approaches are key

The G7 Science and Technology Ministers' Meeting emphasized immediate open access to government-funded scholarly publications and scientific data, despite Japan's slow uptake in embracing open science. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

G7 updates: Ministers pledge to boost Ukraine's air defenses DW 04/19/2024

G7 foreign ministers discussed further sanctions on Iran following an attack on Israeli territory and emphasized support for Ukraine's air defense needs. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Convenes G7 to Discuss the Iranian Threat and Prevent an Escalation After Attack on Israel

Biden leads G7 to condemn Iran's attack on Israel and supports Israel's defense without participating in offensive action. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 731

G7 pledges support for Ukraine and new sanctions on Russia
Western leaders visit Kyiv to show solidarity with Ukraine [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Africa must challenge the West's colonial game plan for Palestine

Africans should not stand idly by as the West tries to control occupied Palestinian territories
The G7 and EU disregarded the wishes of Palestinians in determining the future of Palestine [ more ]
1 week ago

Opinion | How Capitalism Went Off the Rails

Economic dissatisfaction is growing due to easy money policy leading to asset inflation and benefiting the wealthy while harming the middle class. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Japan can embrace open science - but flexible approaches are key

The G7 Science and Technology Ministers' Meeting emphasized immediate open access to government-funded scholarly publications and scientific data, despite Japan's slow uptake in embracing open science. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

G7 updates: Ministers pledge to boost Ukraine's air defenses DW 04/19/2024

G7 foreign ministers discussed further sanctions on Iran following an attack on Israeli territory and emphasized support for Ukraine's air defense needs. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Convenes G7 to Discuss the Iranian Threat and Prevent an Escalation After Attack on Israel

Biden leads G7 to condemn Iran's attack on Israel and supports Israel's defense without participating in offensive action. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 731

G7 pledges support for Ukraine and new sanctions on Russia
Western leaders visit Kyiv to show solidarity with Ukraine [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Africa must challenge the West's colonial game plan for Palestine

Africans should not stand idly by as the West tries to control occupied Palestinian territories
The G7 and EU disregarded the wishes of Palestinians in determining the future of Palestine [ more ]
1 week ago

Opinion | How Capitalism Went Off the Rails

Economic dissatisfaction is growing due to easy money policy leading to asset inflation and benefiting the wealthy while harming the middle class. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK news

Watch live as Sunak faces Starmer at PMQs as UK suffers economic blow

Britain is set to suffer the highest inflation and second-slowest growth rate in the G7.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has reduced its forecast UK growth rate for 2024.
UK GDP is expected to be 0.5% this year and increase to 0.7% next year before averaging at 1.2% over 2025. [ more ]
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