#Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: When You're More Than Just Tired

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a misunderstood and pervasive condition that causes constant extreme fatigue, affecting daily life significantly. [ more ]
3 months ago

Large Study of ME/CFS Patients Reveals Measurable Physical Changes

Chronic fatigue syndrome, now ME/CFS, is gaining more attention from researchers and being taken more seriously as a physiological illness.
Long COVID is being considered more seriously by scientists and is similar to ME/CFS, spurring further research and understanding. [ more ]
4 months ago

Clues to a better understanding of chronic fatigue syndrome emerge from major study

Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) affects many with no FDA-approved treatment
A recent study published in Nature Communications provides comprehensive insights into the biological abnormalities in ME/CFS. [ more ]
6 days ago
Alternative medicine

Effect of electroacupuncture on expression of protein phosphorylation in hippocampus tissues of rats with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The study aimed to investigate the effects of electroacupuncture on behavior and hippocampal protein phosphorylation in rats with chronic fatigue syndrome. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: When You're More Than Just Tired

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a misunderstood and pervasive condition that causes constant extreme fatigue, affecting daily life significantly. [ more ]
3 months ago

Large Study of ME/CFS Patients Reveals Measurable Physical Changes

Chronic fatigue syndrome, now ME/CFS, is gaining more attention from researchers and being taken more seriously as a physiological illness.
Long COVID is being considered more seriously by scientists and is similar to ME/CFS, spurring further research and understanding. [ more ]
4 months ago

Clues to a better understanding of chronic fatigue syndrome emerge from major study

Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) affects many with no FDA-approved treatment
A recent study published in Nature Communications provides comprehensive insights into the biological abnormalities in ME/CFS. [ more ]
6 days ago
Alternative medicine

Effect of electroacupuncture on expression of protein phosphorylation in hippocampus tissues of rats with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The study aimed to investigate the effects of electroacupuncture on behavior and hippocampal protein phosphorylation in rats with chronic fatigue syndrome. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago
Mental health

What is chronic fatigue syndrome? Here's how patients live with - and fight - the disease

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), is more common than previously thought, affecting 3.3 million American adults.
ME/CFS is a complicated disorder with no known cause, although it may be triggered by various factors and could have a genetic component. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Afternoon Briefing: Jury in ex-Ald. Ed Burke trial hears tape featuring Chicago pol Gery Chico discussing fundraising

A federal jury heard wiretapped calls between former Ald. Edward Burke and former mayoral candidate Gery Chico in Burke's corruption trial.
Health officials released the first nationally representative estimate of adults with chronic fatigue syndrome: 3.3 million. [ more ]
6 months ago

Exhausted America: CDC says 3.3 million people suffer chronic fatigue syndrome

Approximately 3.3 million adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, according to a new study by the CDC.
The prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome is higher than previously suggested, indicating that the condition is not rare. [ more ]
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