The "Might and Mighty" Special Research began on March 5, offering players a chance to acquire a Dynamax Kubfu as a reward for completing certain tasks. Players have until June 3 to initiate the research, but they can complete it at their convenience. A second Kubfu is obtainable by purchasing the "Fuzzy Fighter" Special Research for $8 before March 10. Currently, players cannot evolve their Kubfu due to pending game updates, even if they collect the necessary candy. Future updates are expected to provide further research steps.
Special Research for "Might and Mighty" offers a Dynamax Kubfu until June 3. Players must complete tasks for rewards but can claim freely afterward.
To get a second Kubfu, players can pay $8 for the "Fuzzy Fighter" Special Research that provides additional rewards. Claim before March 10.
The evolution of Kubfu awaits future game updates, as current research concludes without enabling its evolution, even if players gather candy for it.