In my philosophy courses, I focus on take-home writing assignments aimed at enhancing students' understanding and ability to communicate complex arguments. These assignments are structured for a peer audience, requiring clear articulation of arguments, clarification of key concepts, and critical engagement with the texts. I utilize a two-draft model that mandates students to submit a first draft for grading and then revise based on my feedback. This process not only reinforces the importance of feedback but also fosters a deeper engagement with course materials and improvement in writing skills.
By implementing a two-draft model, I encourage students to engage deeply with my feedback, promoting both their understanding of the material and their writing skills.
Assignments target audience is not the instructor but rather peers, facilitating a clearer understanding of the argument and application of philosophical concepts.
The necessity of summarizing feedback and revisions in the final draft pushes students to reflect on my suggestions, making the learning process more effective.
I've noticed a significant improvement in students' ability to articulate and critique philosophical arguments, which is the core goal of my assignments.