Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee year for the Catholic Church, starting December 24, 2024, and lasting until January 6, 2026. Traditionally, a Jubilee is rooted in the biblical practices outlined in the Old Testament, particularly regarding rest and social justice. Every 50 years, during Jubilee, debts are forgiven, slaves freed, and land returned to original tribes, underscoring that all creation belongs to God. This event aims to reinforce the importance of viewing our lives and actions through the lens of eternal values, justice, and community responsibility.
The Jubilee extends the principles of rest and liberation found in the Sabbath, calling for forgiveness of debts and the return of land, reminding us that all belongs to God.
The upcoming Jubilee year, proclaimed by Pope Francis, emphasizes creating awareness around our relationship with the earth and one another, echoing ancient biblical precepts of justice and community.