New article: Chan, "Action Just Is Knowledge"

Chan Chi-keung's article explicates Wang Yangming's concept of the unity of knowledge and action through an enactive model. This fresh interpretation emphasizes an integrated approach concerning mind, body, and the world. It contrasts with Harvey Lederman’s introspective model while proposing the Continuum Thesis, a novel perspective that underscores the inseparability of knowledge and action in moral understanding. The work not only advances historical dialogue within contemporary philosophical discourse but asserts that Wang's affirmation of unity lays the foundation for deeper realizations of enacted knowledge.
This article offers a novel interpretation of enacted knowledge through the lens of Wang Yangming's theory of the unity of knowledge and action, presenting a holistic perspective.
By introducing the Continuum Thesis, the article posits that moral knowledge and action are fundamentally integrated into a singular entity, challenging traditional dichotomies.
Read at Warpweftandway