Choosing graduate programs in Chinese philosophy: The Philosophical Gourmet and this blog's graduate programs page

The Philosophical Gourmet Report (PGR) organizes rankings for PhD programs in Chinese philosophy, attempting to ensure a balanced evaluator group through previous nominations and editor recommendations. The challenges include low response rates from invited evaluators, limiting the effectiveness of this representation. Key to the ranking process is a section where 'other recommended programs' are suggested, a process consulted with multiple scholars to reflect diverse viewpoints. Among these programs, Duke University is noted as a standout choice for prospective students in Chinese philosophy.
The Philosophical Gourmet Report’s rankings aim to evaluate PhD programs in Chinese philosophy, with efforts made to include a representative cross-section of scholars, despite challenges.
The evaluation process involves re-inviting previous evaluators and nominating new ones, yet the low response rate significantly impacts the reliability of the rankings.
Although PGR rankings are influenced by the evaluator selection process, the final say on additional recommended programs reflects collaborative consultations with a diverse group of scholars.
Duke University is highlighted as an excellent institution for pursuing a PhD in Chinese philosophy, based on valuable input from various evaluators.
Read at Warpweftandway